The Deal

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The next day, I woke up and saw him laying there asleep. It was eight in the morning and the sun had just risen from the curve of the earth. The light lit in his eyes as he slowly woke up. He stared at me for a second before sitting up. "Hello Lucy, your up early." I nodded with a confident smile. "Yes I am! Every day of my life!" His face turned pale. "Wait, did you just say everyday?" I nodded proudly. It looked almost as if I had gotten to him faster than the cancer could. "Get back up you silly head, its another day to enjoy!"

He looked at me and then chuckled. "Well, what would you want to do today?" He was asking a question in my profession. "We are going to do art!" And I swear to god, if he was in better shape. He would make a beeline for the door. "I'm not good at art, I don't paint." I made a twisted grin on face as he looked at me all concerned. "Your not going to eat me are you?" I shook my head and handed him a brush and my paint pad. "Just, do it."

He grabbed the brush as he pick the color red. And started painting something. It looked simple, yet I couldnt make the shape out. He hid the page from me as he painted so that I couldn't see it. "Are you almost done?" He smiled, "I am now." I reached out for the paper but he wouldn't give it to me. "Come on Joey! Let me see!" He won this battle, but the war wasn't over yet.

"I make a deal with you, if you do something I want to do tomorrow, I might show you." I nodded and we shook hands.

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