"Did it got hit to something?" Lisa asked.

"When she pushed me, it hit the wall. Plus, my back shouldn't get hit to something or else it will hurt a lot 'cause I have scoliosis." I explained.

"You have scoliosis too? Yes, your back shouldn't get hit to something. I suggest we take you to the doctor." Lisa said.

"I agree. We'll just tell your grandma to meet us at the hospital and we'll explain her everything." Christina said.

"But you can't tell my grandma that I was being bullied because she might send me to another school. I love my school even though I get bullied there. So please please please. Don't tell my grandma." I begged.

"We won't tell for now. But when this happens again, we will tell her whether you like it or not. Understood?" Christina asked. I nod.

"Okay. Now we need to think of excuses." Christina commanded.

"What about... Her cut was from a ruler that has a sharp end then she tripped onto something then hit her back. Then I saw her on the ground." Lauren suggested.

"Nice one Lauren." Lisa said. Lauren smirked.

"Aw!" I scream in pain. My back hurts really bad. This is the second time that it got hit onto something.

"Come on. We need to tell go to the hospital to get her checked." Christina said.

I tried to get up but failed so Lisa carried me. We went to Lisa's car. Christina driving, Lauren sitting beside her then Lisa and I at the back.

Christina played some music. I layed my head on Lisa's chest, she stroked my hair that made me sleepy. I don't know why but I'm very sleepy today. I think I already slept like 4 times today.


"Nicz sweetie, wake up. We're here." Lisa woke me up.

We're here in the hospital. Lisa carried me inside then Lauren got me a wheel chair cause I really can't walk. We're going to the ER so they can check me immediately.


We're in my room. I'm back home. I'm with Christina, Lisa and Lauren. My grandma's not back but Christina explained it already to her. They already told my grandma about the beatings and the bullying. They sent a complaint in school, the bullies are gonna be kicked out.

"So.. Nicky you can't go to school for like a week so you can rest. The doctor said that, no buts." Christina said. I nod.

"I'll miss school. And the beatings too." I laughed. Christina, Lisa and Lauren stared at me seriously.

"You guys.. I'm just kidding." I laughed.

"It's not funny sweetie." Christina said.

"I know.. I'm sorry.." I said shyly.

"Awww you're so cute! You should've seen your face!" Lisa said. Lauren and Christina nodded in agreement. I looked down. Christina lifted my chin.

"Never make that joke again, okay?" Christina said. I nod.

"Is this yours?" Lauren asked while holding my sketch pad. I must've left it there.

"Uhm. Yeah." I replied. She's looking at my drawings.

"This is so lit." Lauren said while showing Christina and Lisa my drawing. It's a sketch of a sunset on a beach.

"You're a really good artist." Lisa said.

"Thank you.." I replied.

"Niiiick! I'm home!" Christian shouted from the living room. They all looked at me.

"That's my brother, Christian." I said.

"We'll carry you downstairs. I would also like to meet your brother." Christina said. I nodded. Christina carried me downstairs.

"Uhm.. Are you guys Nicky's friends?" Christian asked.

"Yes we are. Nicky? Mind introducing us?" Christina asked.

"Christian these are my friends. Christina, Lisa and Lauren. They are sisters. Christina, Lisa and Lauren, this is my brother Christian." I introduced them to each other.

"Hi. I'm Christian, 19 years old." Christian introduced himself. They smiled.

"How old are you guys?" Christian asked.

"I'm 25, the oldest. Lisa's 22 and Lauren's 17." Christina said.

"They are actually 6 six sisters. The others aren't here." I added.

"Cool. Do you have other siblings? Or are guys all girls?" Christian asked.

"Uhm.. We have 5 more brothers at home.." Lisa said.

"Cool. Can I met them?" Christian asked again.

"Sure. The one older than Lauren is Alex. You guys are the same age." Lisa replied.

"By the way Nick, mama said that she won't be home for a week or two. She wants to stay with papa at the home for the aged." Christian said.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"I am. Guess I'll be staying home until mama comes back." Christian said.

"We can guide Nicky for you." Christina said.

"Are you sure? What about your band work?" I asked.

"We're on a break." Christina replied.

"Is it okay Christian?" Christina asked.

"Cool. If that doesn't bother you." Christian said.

"It won't bother us. Nicky's like our little sister already." Christina said.

"Cool. At least someone's with Nicky while I'm in school." Christian said. We smiled.

"I can tell that "cool" is your favorite word." Lauren said. We laughed.

"It is my favorite word." Christian said. We laughed again.

"We'll be back sweetie. I'll just tell our mom that we're staying here." Christina said.

"Is she gonna say it's okay?" I asked.

"Yes she will. She'll understand your situation. Okay we'll be back in like an hour." Christina said. I nodded.

They left. I stayed in the living room, watching tv while Christian's cooking dinner.

"What you cooking?" I asked.

"Your favorite." Christian replied.

Omg. Pasta and pizza! Yey!

"Yey!" I screamed.


Hey guys! Thanks for the 42 reads 💙 I'll update tomorrow because I won't update on Sunday and Monday. We're having a really short vacation. I might update on Tuesday next week. Hope you understand 💙

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