Bro, calm down....You have time. And you went over these things like six times already.

I know, lm sorry. Im nervous about this whole thing. I mean what will I say to him or her if I find them.

You just be yourself dex, its nothing you can do it.

Well if you say so, can you help me get to the rental. The twins arranged for dexter to have a rental already paid for at every stop he makes. Hes going to five states in u.s.a

If he dont find his mate at any of those packs he would fly out the country.

So dex, do you have your passport, just in case you have to go out of the country.

Yeah man, you think I would be stupid enough to forget that.

I was just asking you, asshole. I want something up my asshole, but by my mate, he moaned.

You are a pervert dexter leron conway. I know, a good one. And im a good submissive too.

Well I hope for your sake you find your mate soon I say, grabbing a huge ass suitcase and walking out the house with it. I walked to the trunk and it automatically opened when I said open. I grabbed the heavy contraption and put it in.

Shit dexter, what do you have in this thing your whole house. I heard chuckling behind me. Oh do you think thats funny, I could have thrown out my back.

Oh stop wining like a baby daniel. Your strong. Now you need to be comming with me to see if you can find your hunk of,

Daniel, I hear a sturdy voice say. I give you my company.....and this is how you repay me, by associating yourself with faggot trash.

How dare you insult me again. Im your son dammit. How can you do this to me.

You are no son of mine, lets go daniel. I step up to my brother and hug him. It will be o.k. I will be o.k.

Have fun, and keep in touch with me, I want to know every little detail of your adveture o.k. I kiss him on the cheeks and I here my father say what the fuck..........

Are you really putting your mouth on that discusting thing.......
Listen I had enough of your going ons about my brother. I dont care if hes fucking a animal, hes still my brother and your son. So get over yourself.

Now get in your car and leave. I have my own car. And how did you find me anyway I aay glanceing at dexter packing his car.

I have eyes and ears everywhere. Ive known all alone you have been seeing that filth.

Listen old man, if you say one more thing about dexter I will put you in my trunk and drop you in the middle of nowhere with one bottle of water, am I makinf myself clear.

He just stood there stareing at me with his mouth hung open.

And shut your damn mouth before something flies in. I walked around my drver side and stopped.

Dex, I say yeah bro.........he smiled and my heart stopped. I love my kid brother, ive always loved him, even had a crush on him at one point, but I couldnt do that to our mates.

I love you, and go get em o.k. yeah, thanks...I love you too. I hopped in my geo truck and pulled off. I went another direction then the old fart I call father. I just wasnt up to being around him, I seriouly need a drink.

I pull up to a bar that I know all to well. I think its about time to vist my ex best friend mark. When I came out to him he made it clear he didnt want anything to do with me. I always seen him. He dont know but I saw how he always watch me with sadness and longing.

Traveling To Find His Love(boyxboyxboy) MpregWhere stories live. Discover now