Losing Humpty

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Milea's P.O.V
I escape the guards.So I go looking for Puss.I see them running from a giant goose.Then Jack and Jill after him and Humpty.I jump on the carriage and make Jack and Jill go somewhere else.I look up to see Puss on the goose.I say "what would you do without me."Then I blow him a kiss.I help Humpty with the carriage.I hold the duck to keep it safe.But the goose flew in front of us.It brakes the bridge.Then the carriage tips over.Me,Humpty,and the duck start to fall.There is a rope around us three and the goose grabs it.So we fall whith it.But Puss grabs the rope.I am with the Duck and tied around it.The rope is about to brake.Puss and Humpty are arguing.Puss starts to pull us up.Then the bridge move and the rope snaps but Puss catches me and the duck.I scream and yell Puss.I hear Humpty say "you have to safe The duck and Milea."Puss says "I'm not letting you go."Humpty then says bye and let's go.Me and Puss yell Humpty's name.He pulls me and the duck up.Me and Puss look down and see a golden egg.Puss says "we knew you were a good egg."

Puss In Boots Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora