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"Ariane, did you have something to do with Tristen's death?"

"I was an accomplice, yes."


"Because, he cheated on me with my cousin. He lied to me constantly, I was sick of it. I wanted him out of my life for good. So, I asked Klay to help and he did. Although I had to give him something in return." She smiled.

Bradley and Jonathan looked at each other. They felt as though the woman was lying, but decided to listen to her anyways.

"What did you give him?" Jonathan asked.

"What every man wants. I'm pretty sure if you think hard enough, you'll figure it out."

"I'm surprised.. The fact that you confessed so quickly. Had a change in heart?"

"Can we get on with this? I have things to do."

"Fair enough.. So, you and Tristen were dating? How long?"

"Long enough. He was a nice boy, I'll miss him a little bit."

"You're ridiculous. How could you do something like that? You're basically lying to Trinity, you're supposed to be her friend." Bradley called out.

"How could you have sex with Jasmine? You're basically the one that drove that man crazy. That's why he is the way he is, he can't trust nobody. Then you went out drunk and killed her. You fucked Klay's whole life up. How do you feel about yourself Detective Bradley Williams?"

Becoming angry, Jonathan had to stop his partner from hitting the woman. He pushed him into his office and tried to calm him down.

"What was that?! Act like you have some sense man!"

"How can she say that to me? Huh?"

"Just sit down. I'll be back."

Closing the door behind him, he sat in front of Ariane.

"Mrs. Ariane, I think we've heard enough for today. We'll call you when we need you."

"Thank God. Have a great day." She fake smiled and was out the door.

Going back into his friends office, he saw him sitting there.

"Look, you need to take a break from the case. It's driving you crazy and obviously bringing back bad memories. I'll handle it. Go home."


"Brad, go home. You don't want me to tell Nina do you?"

"She wants a divorce anyways. Why not?"

"Just go home!" He yelled.

Getting up and slamming the front door, he left Jonathan there in his office.


"Klay, please, don't go!" Trinity yelled.

"I'm telling you have to Trin.. I'm sorry."

"Please....just don't. Just push though it, I know you can."

"I said no!" He yelled.

"Klay calm down, I just hate seeing you like this!" She began to cry.

"Maybe if Ari didn't run her mouth so damn much, I wouldn't be in this mess!"

"What do you mean?"

"She's the one that killed Tristen!"

"No, no, don't say that. We don't know who did."

"Yes, as much as you don't want to believe it, she did. Whatever she's telling you is a lie."

"Klay stop lying.."

"You think I'd lie to you like that? Never in my life would I ever lie to you. Just believe me, alright? Get some sleep babygirl, I'll see you whenever. I don't know when I'll be back."

He picked his jacket up and left. Trinity picked up her phone and quickly called Ariane.

"Hey girl, what's up?"

"We need to talk."

What's gonna happen guys? Tell me what you think in the comments!

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