Chapter 1

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Isabelle woke up to hands around her waist. Her defensive instinct kicked in and she jumped up and randomly kicked out at her attacker. She heard a familiar voice yelp in pain. Pleased, she looked down with a satisfied grin on her face to find Mathew glaring up at her.

"What is wrong with you woman," Mathew growled.

Isabelle smirked.

"Aw, did little Matty get a little booboo? Let Mama kiss it. Maybe that'll make the pain go away."

Mathew smirked back, making Isabelle suspicious.

"I fell on my butt," he said. "Are you sure you want to kiss that? Not that I'm complaining"

Isabelle grimaced in disgust. Mathew noted how her cute little nose scrunched up whenever she was disgusted, which tends to happen a lot with him around.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded. "Spoiling my beauty sleep?"

"No amount of beauty sleep can help you, darling. And to answer your question, I invited myself over for a sleepover since you refused to do so."

Isabelle groaned and dragged herself out of bed. Sticking her tongue out at him, she went to change into her favorite hoodie and ripped jeans.

"What time is it?" she asked, pulling her phone towards her. "It's only 11 am. Is this your ideal time for a sleepover genius?" she asked sarcastically.

"Let's go out into the city. Explore the world and get inspired." Mathew replies, sarcastically.

Isabelle gives him a mischievous smirk. "Harry Potter marathon!!!" she yells.

Mathew groans in protest. "We did that last time."

"But we didn't finish last time. Your loser ass fell asleep before we could reach the fifth movie. This time we are starting early so...we can finish by....1 am?" Isabelle says enthusiastically.

"You're going to lock me up in a dark room in front of a big screen for 14 hours?" Mathew exclaims in disbelief. "What kind of a best friend are you Izzy? Are you out to get me?"

"Oh shut up. Stop whining Matthew," Isabelle said, rolling her eyes at him. "Let's get started!"

Mathew closed his eyes, hoping it was a nightmare while Isabelle turned on the TV and put the first Harry Potter movie DVD in the player.


After six movies, Mathew finally gave up. "I can't take it anymore!" He yelled. "Can't that blonde dude just hook up with the Hermione chick already?"

Isabelle glared at him. "It's not like that. God! You're an embarrassment to the wizarding community. I thought I taught you better. "

"Whatever. Can you just get me some food already? You're a terrible host you know," Mathew pouts, putting a hand on his stomach, indicating that he was, in fact, starving.

"Considering the fact that you invited yourself here, I have no duties as a host tonight." Isabelle reasoned.

Mathew frowned. Then he smiled. And then he pouted.


"What will it be sir." asked a defeated Isabelle as she gave in.

Mathew smiled. "Sushi?"

Isabelle shook her head. "How about pizza instead?"

Mathew frowned. "Not what I wanted, but I guess it'll do. Can we get some with chocolate on top?"

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