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Sorrt for the wait come to find out yesterday we has testing and today. Exams are taking place so i will do little updated. Bo promises i normaily brake them when it come sto this.  Not only that but i wrote the story some ediot hit my had closing wattpad my story going with it so am sorry for late update once again.

Ace P.O.V

Aftee work i decided to go to Carls house. Inwas greeted by Logan when he opened the door. I entered the house going to the living room.

"Were is Carl?" Ploping on the chair.

"I thought he was with you?" I shook my head no. The house door slammed shaking the house. Carl walked in, he look terrible with red eyes. Getting up going towards him.

"Hey man are you alright?" He wiped his face before looking at me angrily.

"Get. Out." I looked at him confused."Get Out" he yelled once again.

"Hey whats wrong te-" he picked up a vase and threw it at me, then pointing to the door.

"I got the message" someone's on their period. "Call when you ready to talk. Bye"

-----in bed------
I sent a text to Michael. U find it hard to call him Mike.

Me: hey you up

Mike:yea how was your day

Me: it was alright

Mike: oh Carl stoped by my house he looked like shit. No offence to ur friend

Me: you did? Yea somethings wrong with him he threw a vase at me and told me to get out his house.

I found it wired i was sharing that with him.

Mike: 😲 he did!.....thats a shock

Me: yea now to the reason i text you.....wouldyou like to go on our first date with me?

3 person P.O.V

When Michael read the text his hart did multiple flips that he forgot to respond. He quickly respond easing Ace nervousness on the other end. They each went to bed waiting for tomorrow to come.


Sorry for the sucky ending but am planing for the future.thats all so in the words of my good friend 'live long, watch anime, read boyxboy and prosper' who ever said it.

Telepathy (BoyxBoy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя