strawberry Festivals

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I didn't like this chapter much but I based it on what I did today and was like what the heck am here base the story about what going on right no so I just started typing while riding rides.


Its saturday and suppose to be the best day. Its the day the strawberry Festival opens and I have been waiting since Friday. Why friday you ask because am going with the hottest guy ever and his friends. Amy and her date Logan was picking me up since their going too. I've been waiting on them since 9 and it 9:11. Aparently he gave her the expensive chocolate and became the lucky guy to take her on a date.

The two pull up in the driveway. Amy runs out the truck in skinny jeans and a black top and throws her heavy body on me throwing us down.

"Amy your hurting me!" I yell in her ear.

"I wouldn't hurt if you were strong and had muscles! " She gets up and dust her clothes.

Logan walks out his truck. I must say he does look fine, I mean-.

" hey you better not be drooling over my date!" She smacks my head making it bob.

"Logan control your date!" He laughs while she storms into the house cussing.

Amy went to empty her bladder. My mom packed a bunch of snacks in my bag. She knows i don't like buying food from people. You never know where their hands been. Lucky for me the bag got secrete compartments so when the guards check it they cant 'confiscate' it. Yea we all know they eat it behind our backs.

"Come on fat ass lets go." Amy says without looking at me.

"Mom how can you let her cuss." I pout. She roles her eyes and go up the stairs.

The drive to the place would be long so i put in my headphones and listen to my Black Veil Brides rebel yell.

---------parking lot ---------

hopping out the truck I instantly spots Ace. He's wearing the same black 'Fuck Off' shirt as me but with jeans and vans. My man got style. I just went with joggers and Jordans. Logan meets up with Ace and daps (fist bump and bro hug) him up. The place is loaded with people am surprised we even found a packing spot. As we enter the security stops we to check my bag and finds nothing important in it.

laughing past the man the others watch me weird. "What you looking at?" I ask no one in particular.

"Well were of well see you for lunch." Amy says grabbing Logan's hand.

"your not leaving me with them are you?" she walks of without even looking at me. I turn to see a hurt expression on Ace face.

Ace P.O.V

"your not leaving me with them are you?" Michael says hurting my feelings. He turns to me then realize my expression I was trying so hard to hide, apparently not hard enough. "Oh i didn't mean it that way....I meant to" He started blushing and shifting from leg to leg looking for an excuse.

"come on lets go." I'am guessing I interrupted his thinking since his head snapped up. Everyone went their separate ways except Mike and I, but we agreed to meet up at 12 for lunch. "

" so Mike were to?" he looked to me confused.

"I don't know you choose. Most of the rides are for kids so, yea." he looks lost.

" ok, Ferris wheel it is." I grabbed his hand and run to the line that was surprisingly short.

"I change my mind I wanna choose." He says as we get closer.

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