I ignored the rest of the conversation that they were starting on because it seemed like Toby and this alpha had a major problem with each other because Toby kept making crude comments towards the alpha and Alpha Greg would comment back with insults to his father and this motel. I sighed softly and quickly got to my feet, I had no choice to go out of the small bathroom window and hide in the woods that were just behind this place at least until morning.

I quickly, but quietly made my way towards the bathroom and slide open the window, I peeked my head out at first to look around and when I saw how dark it was, I started to second guess my decision, I mean they don't completely know I'm here.. "Is this the only car here?" I heard Alpha Greg ask, his voice right outside the front of my motel room. All doubts I had about fleeing completely flew out of my mind and I hurried out of the window and into the woods. Instead of quietly walking so that I wouldn't make much noise, I ran into the thick brushes.

Scared, tired, confused. I just didn't know what to do. All I knew was that I wasn't ready to be caught and brought back just yet. I was about to stop running to catch my breath but I suddenly heard loud pounding footsteps behind me, a howl, then a bark.


I don't know where I found the strength, but my legs started to move faster. I was jumping large branches that broke away from tree tops and weaving a path through large trees. Of course I couldn't out run these werewolves, I knew that as much as they did, but that didn't stop me from trying. I had just got to a small clearing before I tripped up on my own feet and I hit the ground face first and skidded across the dirt.

I let small moans of pain leave my lips before looking back to the way I came when I heard the thundering footsteps come to a complete halt. Three large unfamiliar wolves were cautiously coming towards me out of the darkness of the thick woods. The light brown and the dark grey wolves were taking timid steps. Clearly they were trying to make sure not to scare me while the third wolf which was a rusty color, with white under its belly area, didn't seem the least bit bother I was skittish because he advanced towards me a little faster.

I quickly scrambled back, only for my back to hit a large tree. Damn, I really thought I was going to have time to think on this matter, but the goddess really wasn't on my side this time around, it seemed like she never was.

Suddenly the three wolves stopped and looked towards the trees behind me. Their hair started to stand up on their backs and they started to bare their canines as they start to snarl and growl, while backing away from me. A loud threatening growl pulse through the air and it feels like my world stop as a larger black wolf slowly stalks out of the trees behind me. I was about to be almost terrified when a boy with softly tan skin and dark brown hair also came forward with the wolf.

" You guys are a long way from your boarder," the boy says in a taunting manner. The wolves that were chasing me, eyes were going from the boy to the larger wolf, they didn't seem to know which seemed more threatening and neither did I. The wolf and the boy stopped in front of me. "So, you have either two choices, either leave this guy be and go about your night, or.." He paused for a bit for dramatic effect. "My mate here can tare you into two pieces." He said with a nod of towards the growling wolf next to him. The three wolves eyes drifted toward me then back at the boy and wolf before turning and running off back the way they came.

When they were out of sight the boy sighed in relief. "Shit, I thought you were going to actually have to fight them for a minute there." The boy laughed. The large werewolf huffed then turned towards me. My eyes widen. "Oh no, don't worry!" The boy spoke up, his attention now on me also. I looked from the wolf to him. "He won't hurt you. Actually he's the one that knew you needed help, and to be honest the big lug is a big softy. Now that I think about it, I think those wolves would have took him out if they would have actually wanted to fight." The boy laughed at his own comment which had me cracking a small smile. The wolf growled. "Oh hush, I was only joking." With a huff the wolf laid to the ground with a loud thud, resting it's head on it's crossed paws.

"Hey, I'm Caleb." He said down to me with an outstretched hand. I took it and he helped me up from the ground.

[Picture Of Caleb/ Weak For Series]

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[Picture Of Caleb/ Weak For Series]

"Peter." I said dusting off my clothes and bag from when I face planted earlier. Caleb's eyebrows shot up in surprise and the wolf raised its head.

"Seems like we were the first to find him Matthew. You know what that means," He announced to the wolf in delight while rubbing his hand through the wolf's fur at the top of his head. Matthew barked in reply. "Hell yeah, a free pass on making dinner!" He cheered. I frowned in confusion.


"Oh," Caleb said clearing his throat. "Sorry man, but we gotta let your Alpha know we got you."

"Wait, my alpha." Caleb nodded.

"Yeah, your pack sent out a message to every pack near their surrounding boarders and we just so happen to be one of them."

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