The call

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Justin then decided to call Ben Rohn and not kailee because he felt Ben would be better at helping Pearl. So Justin called Ben and he answered, but he sounded like just woke up.

Justin said, "Good morning sleepy head" 

Ben said, "Yeah it's not a good morning. Anyway why did you call me?"

"Well I need to ask you a favor"


"Could you go to the park for me?"


"Because Pearl needs your help"

That woke Ben right up. "Wait! What happened? What's wrong with Pearl?"

"Nothing is generally wrong with her but she really needs your help. Please go to the park and help her."

"Ok. Where is she at in the park?"

"She in her favorite tree to climb."

"Ok I'll be there in a couple of minutes. Bye."


Justin then hung up on Ben and texted Pearl and said the person will be there in a couple of minutes.

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