Utapri Maji Love Live -Part 1-

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As usual you and all the fans knew in just another 2 weeks would be the Utapri 6th Live. Also all of you can't wait for the Live and the merchandises. Everyone had prepare what they're gonna bring to the live. Be it the towel of they're favorite character, or ita-bag(its a bag where you can display your badges, etc and the outer it's pvc transparent) filled with badges, ribbon or whatever decoration you can put. And everyone had already bought the tickets in advance.

But you are a big fan of Ai and Aoi Shouta. You have all of Ai and Aoi merchandise. Your ita-bag is filled with half Ai and half Aoi merch. You have Ai towel readied to bring too, your phone case is Ai and Aoi. You double check that everything is ready just not to miss out any items.

Ah, yes. Your living in Shinjitsu, Tokyo. Yes, far from Fukui prefecture where Aoi's hometown is. You are the only daughter, you had no brother or sister but you had this childhood friend that's living with you since young. You have been treating her like your younger sister. She's 1 year younger than you. And her name is Shiro.

Shiro is, but also a big fan of Utapri, and her favorite character is Kurusu Syo but her favorite seiyuu is Miyano Mamoru. Well, she has all the Syo merchandise and a towel and all Miyano Mamoru merch too, just like you, she also has a ita-bag. Just like you, she have prep everything.

You look at Shiro then at all her items. "I see you have prep everything~ Well done~" You pat her head. "Hehe, thank you sis~ You have also prep all~" "Of course~ What do you expect from me~" You wink before chuckling.

By then it's already night from all the packing and preparation. "Okay~ Girls, lights out." Mum came in and said to you both. "Hai!!~" You both said as you went to switch the lights off and both of you tuck into bed.


The next following day, you and Shiro woke up at around 10.30am(1030hours). "Ohayo sis..~" Shiro said in a sleepy voice. "Ohayo, Shiro~" You got down the bed and went to the sink followed by Shiro and brush your teeth and wash up. Afterwards you grab all your necessary needs for a nice, refreshing bath. Then again, followed by your sis when your done.

"Shiro, let's go out after this~" "Hai, sis~" She said from inside the bathroom. While Shiro is showering, you took your wallet and put it in a small sling bag that was sling over your shoulder on the right. Shiro is done after 5 minutes.

"You're fast today, Shiro~" "Of course~ Well, because I'm going out with sis~" You smile. "Hehe ~ All ready?~" "Wait a minute sis~" Shiro took her small sling bag and put her wallet in too and sling in to her left. "Okay, sis, we can go out now~"

"Alright~" Shiro walk alongside you as you both head out and walk around town, looking to your left and right. Shiro look up and suddenly scream. "Shiro?! What's wrong?!" "Sis, look up!" You look up to your surprise it's a huge wallscroll/poster of the Utapri 6th live. You and Shiro scream. "Kyaa!!! Shoutan!!" "Kyaa!! Mamo-Chan!!"

Finally the both of you calm down. "Okay~ Before we really lost our voice, let's go~" "Okay, sis~" You and Shiro start walking again. "Shiro, do you wanna go into this shop?" You point into a shop that sells CD/DVD/magazines,poster, etc. "Okay."

You went around the shop so as Shiro. You both saw new magazines and CD/DVD of you both favorite seiyuu. Picking them up you both went to the counter and purchase the CD/DVD and magazine.

"Yay~" You and Shiro high-fived each other. "No regrets~" You said as you smile. "No regrets." Shiro repeated after you and smiles too. Both of you laugh before settling down. "I'm quite hungry, sis." "Now you mention it, I am too~ Let's head to a nearby cafe."

-Time skip-

You and Shiro arrived at the cafe and settle in for two. Browse thru the menu and order food and drinks and later 20 minutes they came, both of you indulge in the food follow by drink, went to the counter and pay. "That was nice~ I'm full~" "I'm full too, sis."

You both continue walking around town until the both of you got tired as its already late and walk back home to shower and rest for the night.

Next day, you and Shiro does the same routine except for going out, you both help out with the house chores and everything else.

"I'm sure Shoutan is practicing really hard for the live now." You said to Shiro. "Yes, I'm sure everyone is, not only Shouta-San~" "Yeah you're right." You both laugh and continue doing the house chores; went for lunch, dinner and back to house chores.

Both of you just flop down to the bed. "So tiring..." "Yes, sis.. It's so tiring..." You both fell asleep due to doing the house chores and gotten tired.

-Time Skip-

After the next following day it's the live. "Mum~" You said. "Could you give us money for the train rides to Kyoto?" You and Shiro woke up at 5am(0500hours) just to get there as early as possible to camp there for the night, just in order to get the merchandises and etc. "Okay, take care girls, alright?" "Alright, mum!" You and Shiro exclaim. Mum went to get money for the train rides and back for the both of you. As you have savings for the items, you just need money for the trains rides, the same goes to Shiro.

You both take all your items that you need including two sleeping bag and headed off. "Goodbye mum!" The both of you said as you both wave goodbye and went to the train station. Paid for the tickets to enter the train, waited and a train came and went in the train and heeded off to Kyoto.

"Finally, it's tomorrow, huh~ Let's sleep since it's a long ride probably about 8 hours of ride, Shiro~" "Whoa~ Okay, sis~" The both of you had fallen asleep in the train.

-To be continue-

I'm sorry if Shoutan nor any seiyuu had turn up here yet~ Was planning to write in part 2~ ;) Hope you enjoy! ^^

Utapri Maji Love Live Stage 6th LiveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora