Meg has told me everything there is to know about Cole. She had been dating him for about a year and a half and I had yet to meet him. Yes, I don't get out much.

"Wow. You're actually at a party." I wondered what exactly Meg had told him about myself and smiled faguely. "Oh, this is Jared." He directed my attention to a blond guy with broad muscular shoulders on full display.

"Hi." Jared responded with a nod and a slight smile. Meg elbowed me. I ignored her and barely nodded in return, taking a sip out of my cup instead.

Meg grabbed Cole's arm and held up her cup. "I need another drink." Cole suspiciously eyed her full cup but let her lead him away from us. Meg turned around and smirked before disappearing into the crowed.

I'm going to kill her with her silly set up schemes.

"Having a good time?" Jared yelled over the shouting and screaming crowed of people surrounding us.

The intruding voices invaded my head once again. Images of the last New Years party I'd attended threatened to surface and I swallowed them down with another sip.

"Don't say much?" Jared stated, pulling me out of the painful remembrance of being wrapped in Ethan's arms while watching fireworks explode over head. I shook my head and took another large gulp of my drink. "Are you going to say anything?"

I finally looked up at him to meet his intense gaze. "What would you like me to say?"

He chuckled. "That's a start. Do you go to the same school as Megan?"

I nodded my head. "What about you? Where do you attend school?" Thankfully, Meg reappeared with her fingers dipped into two small plastic cups of Jell-O interrupting our conversation. She handed one to each of us. I looked down at the cup, trying to figure out how to eat it without a spoon.

"Don't chew. Just swallow." Jared laughed as I licked at pieces of Jell-O clinching to my lips.

"Always excellent advice." Meg wiggled her eyebrows seductively.

Cole grimaced. "Come on Meg."

We both giggled before she shoved Cole by the shoulder. "Come on. Let's go request a song. I know the DJ here."

They pushed passed the crowed of people bobbing up and down to the music and left me stranded with Jared, again. "Do you play soccer with Meg?"

I sighed and took another gulp, not loving the small talk. "Yeah." I didn't come to this party to get to know someone new. I swallowed the last mouthful of my drink. "I need another." I announced. "I'll see you around." I turned and walked away before he could respond, dodging through the crowed in search of the drink table.

"Need a drink?" I turned around to find a guy with a lean, muscular frame and thick luscious curls of black hair tied up into a bun. His eyes were a deep ocean like blue, as if capturing me by waves and forcefully pulling me in deeper.

"You talking to me?"

"Yeah." He replied with a cocky grin. "Hi, I'm Max. Noticed your cup was empty."

I smiled in return. "Yeah, I could do with a drink." He left and came back with two cups and handed me one. "Thanks, I like your name."

His smile widened before he lifted the cup up to his plump lips and gulped down his first drink. "Yeah, I didn't quite catch your name?"


"Demi." My eyes trailed to his lips as he tested the pronunciation of my name. As if noticing my slip up, Max slid his tongue over his bottom lip before pulling it between his teeth with a devious smirk. "How are you feeling Demi?"

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