Chapter Seven

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Speed, this is what it feels like, Mia thought. Everything was fast in her world but this was way too fast for even her to handle. She wanted everything to stop. She wanted to go to different centuries and warn everyone about the things that would happen because they were being this person but it was too late for that.

Now Earth only had those couple of "religious" people living on it who would probably die soon because Earth was slowly but completely breaking down. Mia took a look at the people in the space ship. Everyone looked like they were about to puke. Mia secretly hoped that no one would barf up or anything because they would have a not-so-amazing smell coming up to their nostrils which would cause others to barf up to which meant the whole space ship would be filled strangers barf which could go all over the place including their mouth.

Mia wanted to punch herself for thinking such disgusting things but they had hardly eaten anything so even if they puked it would some carbon dioxide or something. Peeing and pooping will be a very difficult thing but they had a machine to dispose everything. Will living on another planet be like starting over from square one by behaving like humans through different times? Mia laughed it out.

Whatever was going to happen would happen, the only thing that she knew was that it wouldn't be a complete cycle because she and the others weren't primitive tribes or anything nor could they be because all the animals were left behind, it would be possible if there was some kind of a specific creature was living on the new planet.

There was a possibility that nothing would after all fit properly and fall into places but Mia was completely ready for it. She was ready to float away and go to the place, her mom and Mason were still living if such a place even existed. Even if was hell, it wouldn't be for her because they would be by her side, ready to pick her up whenever she fell.

One of the man who was driving announced that they were going to slow down which was a relief. They didn't have any type of window or anything but it would be amazing if there was. Mia would just keep watching all the planets as they passed by one by one.

She had seen many planets through the observer but looking at the planets you researched about with your naked eye was all together another beautiful feeling. Her purple customised space suit was starting to grow on her. It was something that every science kid got and she loved hers. She was at least happy that she got a chance to wear hers.

She wanted to the things that they would show in movies where the main character would somehow get out in the open and just float but they would be doomed of course until they would either find a thing or somehow to hold on to but except she would just float away to her sleep.

The world was full of clichés, she thought but now there wasn't a world at all. Mia ended up thinking about the purpose of life and all of that kind of things which made her sick to the stomach.

It happened sometimes with her, she would just sit around and think why should I fight, why should I live? Why should I hurt myself and Why the hell should I be happy? These were questions that she never found an answer too. They were just some from the millions of questions she had.

And then she thought about the beginning, how it
all began. Sure it was big bang but how did anything exist at all? How was this strange, strange world created in the first place?

She always knew that there was some purpose that was there, it was just that she never came to know of it. It was just a secret that she would never figure out.

The speed was slowed down a lot so they could talk to each other. Mia, Dave and Dee started talking about different things which helped Mia to calm herself down.

Dave never let of her hand and she could feel the warmth although he was not actually touching her skin, it was kind of magical. Clothes, they had bought some with them but did it really matt?

Things would definetly be busy from when they would land. Creating anything nearly as beautiful as earth was obviously impossible and also truly difficult.

The Earth had life on for millions of years but the new planet would be having life only after they would land on it.

Were they going to be the Adam and Eve of the new world? If they were, she would definitely not want to eat the apple, only maybe a little bit. Mia's biggest pet peeves was when people would really come close to her ear and talk.

She just hated when people did that because it would
send all types of vibrations througout her body. But now when Dave did it, she actually liked it. Which was weird.

Mia was really hungry but she knew how to control her hunger. It was one thing she had newly discovered. She would just think about the different foods that were really tasty and that she had eaten and she would remind herself that it didn't matter, everything came out the same and she was the same person.

It wasn't going to be easy, she laughed at herself. The way she was so restless and annoying even to herself just suprised herself. The new planet was already making her feel different.

The saddest part was that she couldn't even see Earth properly before saying good bye. Once the lab is set up and all, she knew that she would spend her time staring at the Earth and if she ever saw life or the Earth getting back into shape, she would immediately jump back into the Earth with everyone else.

And then she did the last thing she ever thought she would and that was sleeping. It was do chaotic that she thought that she would never ever fall asleep but she couldn't control it, she just went to sleep for seven hours or so.

When she woke up, she felt rejuvenated. Many people had eventually fallen asleep too. Dave was sleeping on her shoulder. So she sat as still as a rock so she wouldn't disturbed him. Dee was sleeping too but her was just hanging lose.

Mia didn't want to feel the weight of two heads anyway. The quote that two head are better than her was just bullshit to her. She always believed in getting things done by herself. Everyone can have their own party she would always think.

Speaking to herself was the thing that she liked the most. Maybe everyone did it but she always felt like it was a thing only she did because everyone around her was always very social and it seems like they never had the need and the time to talk to themselves.

It was still her favourite thing to do like she was doing right now. None of the topics were dirty cause it was herself that she was talking to so no one would ever judge her.

Slowly everyone woke up one by one. Dave woke up too and he kissed her on the cheek. He cracked his neck as it was probably hurting because of keeping his head in one position.

"Good morning," He said.

Mia laughed.

"Any idea when we are going to reach the planet?" He asked.

"Soon," She replied.

"I thought it would take many days to travel," He said.

"This is not the twenty first century." She shrugged.

As she had anticipated her soon was longer than the real soon. They announced that they would be landing soon. Mia for a change didn't feel nervous at all. She felt like laughing looking at everyone else's faces but it would be really inappropriate to laugh and also quite rude.

So she kept quite and she thought about sad things. It was only one of those times that she had actually controlled her laughter and escaped. Usually she would laugh her heart and mind and everyone around her would look at her in a really scary way.

It didn't help that she had a funny looking laugh.

Thud and they had landed on the blue planet.

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A/N- Hustle Harder.

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