Chapter Six

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They all woke up early and it was time to leave. Mia felt butterflies in her stomach thinking about yesterday. She avoided eye contact with anyone.

They had to cover a few miles and then they would go back because they didn't have a lot of time on their hands. She was pretty sure that back at the headquarters everything would be ready because even before they had planned out everything, finding a planet was the only thing that they had to do.

She sat with Dee again who was really jumpy and excited for no apparent reason. She kept talking and for once Mia replied with smiles because she just tired of being sad. She now realised that if Mason and her mom were hear they would want her to be this person and not a person who frowns everytime.

They kept going and the ride was a very not smooth with all the pieces of destructions. There was a small forest kind of place where everyone was sure that they'd find food so everyone got out of the jeep took sharp devices so that they could go and hunt for stuff.

Mia was the first to get out. "Hey Dave, let's race," She said when she spotted him getting down second. His face suddenly lightened up and he smirked.

Mia started off not looking back, Dave was not very far from her. She ran but she was going to have to pause soon because the distance was not that huge. Because of inertia of motion when she paused suddenly, she fell down and Dave fell on her, it was then she first noticed his beautiful brown eyes.

He kissed her and she kissed him back. She heard others approaching so she stood up and acted like she was looking for food.

She didn't know what to think about. She just kept hunting and found stuff. Dee caught up with her.

"Oh my god! You talk to the new guy?" She asked.

"Yeah. We started talking yesterday," Mia replied.

"Oh cool. I'll try to talk to him too." Dee smiled. Mia nodded like she would do most of the time without having an answer to give back.

Mia heard someone crying. Her group of people were hear. She looked at Dee and asked, "Did you hear that?"

"Yeah I did," Dee replied so Mia and she went to look closer. The sound was definitely human-like noise so she had to look further. She just couldn't live because she knew if she was abandoned like someone, she would definitely want someone to come for her.

As they went further. She saw that it was a women in her forties. The women showed so many emotions when she saw them. But it was mostly tears.

Mia looked for the reason for her tears and realised that something had stung her and she was bleeding. They had to carry her back to the headquarters as soon as possible she figured.

Mia ran to find someone strong enough to carry the woman. Dave was the first person she found. She caught his hand and he looked perplexed and she ran back to the lady with the curly hair.

"I need your help to carry her," She said. He smiled. And all the three of them carried her to the jeep and informed everyone else. Everyone came to the decision that she indeed had to be carried to the lab.

It was a possibility that there were more survivors but the people on the air would definitely find them because they had a special device for finding human being.

They had covered the places they had to anyway. Both the people on heals and their main purpose was food which they had succeeded in. It was a six-seven hour travel. They gave the women sleeping pills so the wound would cool down a bit.

Science was the best thing in the world but it was also something that had contributed to life destruction but people were the main why the Earth was slowly losing all type of life on it.

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