The Famous 'Weaboo' Insult

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If you're apart of the anime/otaku community, chances are that you've heard the word 'weaboo' before. It's not that nice of a word!

It basically means, 'Someone who disregards their own culture and pretends to be Japanese, and disrespects the culture by trying to be apart of it.'

Okay... I'm pretty sure that I speak for all the UP when I say that we're all in the anime community, and do NOT pretend to be Japanese!

Just because you enjoy something from another culture doesn't mean that you want to forget about your own nationality and join that culture. Yes, I really enjoy things from Japan, such as anime and manga. But does that mean I PRETEND to be Japanese? No!

It's perfectly okay to enjoy something from another place. That just means you're putting yourself out there and learning about our world.

Personally, I'm pretty much 100% American, and I'm proud of it! I love America, and am really happy to be apart of this awesome country. (not saying that any other countries are bad!) But... is it a crime to want to expand my boarders and learn about a different place?

I'm not a weaboo because I still love and respect my nationality, WHILE taking a slight interest in the Japanese culture!

I've ever slightly refrained from learning to read/speak Japanese, because I'm afraid I'll mess it up and mispronounce things in an offensive way. I'm purposely avoiding offending this culture! That's because I respect it.

So... it's totally fine to like something from another place.

This word is used so many times in the wrong situation, directed at the wrong kinds of people. I can just say someone's name and add 'chan' at the end, and be totally attacked for being a 'weaboo'! It's absolutely ridiculous.

Please... just lay off using this word at all. I've never offended Japan before, nor do I pretend to join that culture, therefore meaning that I am NOT a weaboo.

Okay... rant over!



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