Chapter 1

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First fanfic ever. I hope you enjoy it you beautiful unipoos

I'm writing this from my phone because yolo. Lol kidding. Sorry if this is a crappy fanfic.

I also take request~ MWAHA~

P.S. English is not my first language so if there's any grammar mistakes I'm sorry.


Today...what is today? I don't even know what day is today. I feel dead. Ever since the murder of my dear uncle who I loved and cared a lot for, I've been in my room dying on my bed. My throat is dry from all the screaming. Is he really gone? It can't be... He was my only relative. He was like a father to me, he cared and worried a lot for me. Tears started to fall from eyes. Why? Just tell me why? Why is the world so cruel? My eyes were beginning to sting but I didn't really care. I stuff my face into the pillow and scream. It hurts...My voice slowly starts to fade away.

I got up from my old bed and went to the bathroom. I could hear the water dripping from the tap. I look at myself in the mirrior. Is that really me? I am like a zombie. Sore red eyes. Dry lips. Pale skin. Messy hair. I haven't eaten anything in days. I also haven't drunk anything. I need cold water... That will help me. I left my room and walked slowly to the kitchen. I barely had any energy left. I'm usually alone but ever since my uncle's death, my uncle's ex has been taking care of me.

I never really liked her. When uncle was still alive, she treated him like crap. It made me sad. I just wanted her to leave.
I opened one of the cupboards and with shaky hands, grabbed a cup and poured cold water. I could feel my hand getting cold from the cold water that slowly made the glass cold. For some reason, I started getting dizzy and was shivering. I managed to bring the cup to my lips, then slowly drank the cold water. It felt good, I think I felt a bit better now that my throat has been moisturized.
As I was still drinking my cold water, a sudden voice was calling me.
"[Name]? [Name]?"
I didn't recognize the voice at first . I finished drinking my water and put the cup down. I turned out to see who it is.
"[Name]? Are you alright kiddo?"
"You've got to be kidding me..." I muttered. It was Grimmjow.This feeling, I felt like I am going to be protected by him..I kind of felt happy... But then someone behind him coughed. It was her, Patty. I am going to pretend like she doesn't exist.
I ran and wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. Grimmjow's both arms were wrapped around my tiny and fragile body and lifted me. My legs then clutch on Grimmjow's masculine body.
What was this feeling? I feel warmth and love... I feel like I am loved and needed. I wish we could stay like this forever. Tears started to fall again. It may have hurt my eyes but I don't care because those are tears of joy.
Patty coughed again trying to grab our attention. She kept coughing from time to time.
Grimmjow drops me and turns and growls, " We are trying to have a moment."
I chuckle and Patty glares at Grimmjow then me. I whimper and hide behind Grimmjow. I find patty very scary sometimes.
" You're scaring [Name], get the fuck out now. I'll be taking care of her from now." He frowns at Patty and then walks and opens the the door ushering her to leave.

" Her Uncle told me to take care of her," She crosses her arms.

" U-Uncle never said that,"I stutter and said in a low voice.

" Shut up you lazy fly. Why don't you go up to your room and die like you do everyday?"

Grimmjow suddenly grabs Patty's arm and leads her out the door, " Don't you ever speak to her like that ever again."

He slams the door and then walks towards me, putting his arm around me, " Tch. Now that she's gone, where were we?"

I play with my fingers and look down at the floor blusing. I've never been touched like this by a guy before. I mean I had guys confess there love to me but I thought they were perverts. Who knows? Maybe I was just too scared or wasn't ready or confident enough.

Grimmjow suddenly carries me bridal style and then he started heading to my bedroom upstairs. He kicked the door open and then throws me onto my bed joining me.

Grimmjow strokes my hair as I rest my head on his chest. I could hear and feel his heart beat. It was fast. I give a low chuckle as I did not want him to hear me but he did.

" How long has it been [Name]? I am really sorry for leaving you without telling you.."
"B-Baka..I'm happy that you came back..and that y-y-you're fine.." I stutter and then start coughing. I guess it's all because of the screaming that I'm like this.
Grimmjow growls and tighten his arms around me, " I'll protect you from now on... I won't let anyone else scratch you or lay a finger on you."
My heart was beating fast. My face felt hot and was red. My eyes widen. What is he saying? That idiot.. Why am I feeling like this? This is not right. Me and Grimmjow are childhood friends.
I clutch onto Grimmjow's shirt and close my eyes. From now on,"I promise to never cry ever again.." My voice was low as I said it. My energy is zero, I can no longer move. My eyelids felt heavy. I soon fell asleep...

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