"Well if they come near you two again you tell me or one the guys and stay where we can see you." Aaron replyed jogging back to the gym. We walked over to the grass and layed out the blanket.

"How did you know all those come backs?" Timmy asked.

"Thats nothing i heard better insults." I laughed.

"Really where from?" he was looking at a sandwitch trying to pick one.

"Online ofcouse. Theres trolls every where." I replyed picking out the salad.

We sat there eatting and laughing until the sun started to go down.

"Maybe we should head home before it gets to late." I laughed a bit nervous. I was still scared of the dark as whimpy as it was.

"Sure." He began to pack up the plates and blanket. We were walking down the road when talking and stop infront Timmy house.

"I'll see you tomorow." Timmy turn giving me a small kiss. It quickly turn deeper and we became ingrossed in the kiss ignoring everything else going on. It was sweet and the moment was perfect.

"Timmy!?" A womens voiced yelled half upset half confused.

We turn to see a women at the door staring at us her mouth open not sure what to say.

"Umm mom this is Alex, Alex this is my mom." He said shyly looking down.

"Hello ma'am." I looked up at her not sure what to say. She glared at me then hissed at Timmy to get inside. He gave me a sorry gaze then walked inside his house. I walked into my house, Whiskey was laying on the chair and Joker was playing with a little cat toy. The cats spent the night at each others house alot so i didn't mind. I put away the left overs and watched the tv waiting for Aaron to get home.

"Im BACK!" Aaron yelled walking into the house.

"Welcome home." I smiled.

"Thank yo-- Oww! What the ooo... Hello Joker." He smiled down at the kitten who was bitting his feet. He picked up the small cat and sat next to me on the sofa.

"So what was that today with those boys?" He asked.

"Those boys where Timmys faimly... his faimly don't really like me." I anwsered.

"Well tell me if they give you two trouble. Faimly or not you don't treat someone like that and i dont want you getting hurt." He patted my head. The door bell went off so he go up to go get it.


I pulled away from Alex not really wanting to but knowing i would get in trouble if i didn't. I saw my mom staring at me not sure what she should say.

"Umm mom this is Alex, Alex this is my mom." I said keeping my eyes down.

"Hello ma'am." Alex said calmly. 

She just hissed for me to get inside and i knew what was coming. I gave Alex a sorry look and ran inside. As soon as the door closed i felt a hand come hard aginst my cheek and I fell to the floor.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" She screamed. I didn't bother looking up or saying anything i just get hit again. She screamed for what felt like hours before she left and a ran into my room. When i frist told my mom she was ok with me but then she started dating  Luke aka my step father she saw everything different. She saw gays as evil and a sin and hated me. I heard banging on my door and got up. As soon as i open the door i was hit in the faceand stumbled back. 

"Are you trying to embarrass this faimly!" Luke scream at me hitting me again. I Curled up into a ball as he beat me. I've been hit every now and then but this was the frist time i had gotten beaten by anyone. 

"What were you thinking! Friends from church say you with that boy at the park. YOUR NEVER GOING TO SEE HIM AGAIN!" He screamed slaming my door and walking out the room. I stayed curled on the floor crying thinking of Alex as i feel unconscious...


My brother was talking with his friends so i said my hellos and went upstairs. I stopped when i heard screaming. It wasn't down stairs it was from next door. I looked at my window and saw Timmy on the floor and a man yelling at him. I ran so fast i didn't bother saying where i was going or anything and i could hear Aaron yelling after me but i ran to the door next door and began banging.

"What do you want!" A women open the door yelling.

"I want Timmy! What did you do to him i saw  someone yell at him and he was on the floor!" I screamed feeling Aaron holding me.

"The brat got what he deserved no get off are property or were call the cops!" 

"Im not leaving without him!" I screamed back.

"Kyle go ahead and call the cops..." Aaron said looking at one of his friends who just gave a nod.

A screamed at the man until the cops came. When they finally pulled Timmy out he was covered in blood and the had a ambulance pulling him onto it. I just cried begging to see him. 

I just wish i knew if he was ok...

Mr Rapunzel (boyXboy)Where stories live. Discover now