It only took me a moment to realize the scream was coming from my own lips. Kratos shot up and instantly wrapped me in his arms as I placed my hand over my mouth, muffling the sound before I could recover myself enough to stop the screams. I could still feel the air leave me as I plummeted under the deep, cold blue. But, instead of cold water, I could feel warm arms wrap around me and hold me close as the water disappeared from my vision, and I was met with the King's chambers.

      "Everything is alright... I won't let you be hurt again." a soft voice whispered beside my ear, followed by a soft kiss on my temple. There was a soft fluttering in my heart that followed immediately. Blinking a few moments, I could finally come to my senses and control the fear that was radiating off of me in large waves. Kratos kissed my temple again before looking down at me with large and worried eyes of crystal and blue.

        I gave him a shaking smile, only to move from his grasp as I turned to leave the bed. It was too warm for me, and I needed to feel the warmth of a drink that would calm my senses and forget. Rum, Ale, Wine, the wonders of the world. That was why I was I was not thinking as clearly recently, that is why the nightmares would not allow me to rest, because I have not had a proper drink to help me forget.

        "Vixas?" I heard behind me as Kratos left the bed, walking cautiously over to my side. "Is everything alright?" I didn't answer, just lifted the glass that contained the wine, allowing my shaking hands to pour some into a cup, only it was followed by more contents added. As I placed the container back down, I didn't realize that I had missed the table, and only caused it to plummet to the ground. A cruse left me as it reached the floor to shatter, but Kratos was quick to catch it before it smashed into small bits. "Vixas, I'm concerned for you." He told me as he watched me for a moment, placing it on the table. I simply stood there, nursing the wine hungrily, feeling the comforting burn as it rested in my belly, warming me in ways that only it could.

       But, as I drank, I reflected on the dream. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened to me, and I didn't suspect that it would be the last time that I would dream of something like this until I was satisfied with my situation in life. But, that was doubtful, for it seemed I had become like an elder: angry and moody at every change. Gods, I killed an innocent man because I was so consumed with lust I couldn't see that he was only doing his duty.

      I let out a sigh as I shook my head. "I'm sorry..." I whispered, placing the cup down on the table, only to place my head in my hands. It seemed that the wine wasn't going to help my current situation at all. It seemed that I was going to have to face what I had done.

       "For what?" He whispered back, moving closer so he could wrap me in his arms once again. I didn't protest, for my naked body suddenly felt cold without him touching me. The wine wasn't going to be enough anymore it seemed.

       "I killed a man... all because I was so blinded by lust. I've only ever killed because it was needed to survive. That man did nothing but protect you..." I whispered, shaking my head. "And because of me, an innocent life has been taken." Just like Maketis had done with our tribe.

       My eyes widened as the truth sank in, and with it, I started to feel the world sink onto my shoulder, weighing me down. Was this the life that I was destined for? My life was not horrible, if anything it was a luxury, and yet I was taking it for granted. Life in the tribe was far harder than this, yet it seemed like heaven compared to the palace life. It didn't suit me... the dress, the walk, the food, the traditions, it was all different. It was almost like a constant scolding from a parent to a knowing child, day after day, hour after hour. I didn't know what to do in this land, and it seemed that the effects were starting to take its toile. I was slowly crumbling, breaking under the pressure that had been applied to me. I had killed before, without thinking, but this was the life that I was focused on? A man that I had never met before, and who now was with the gods.

The King's Possession -- Book Two: WaterWhere stories live. Discover now