Chapter Two

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I opened the door to Ali's bedroom, the scent of Starbucks strangely wafted through my nose as I entered. Alison, Hanna, Spencer and Emily were all sitting on the bed chatting.

"Oh hello stranger, what took you so long?" Alison smiled at me getting up from the bed, she looked perfect as always, she was dressed in a white long sleeved crop top and baby blue jeans that fitted her like a glove. The white crop top brought out the tan in her incredible flat stomach, she reached up to pull her high ponytail tighter and when she moved her belly button piercing glistened.

"Oh um...I had cramps" I lied, my head was still spinning from my encounter with Jason.

"Oh honey, I have something that will make you feel better" Ali said walking over to her vanity where there were five Starbucks Coffee's and some cookies and muffins. She picked up one of the takeaway cups and handed it to me.

"Here, I got you a Caramel Hot Chocolate" Ali smiled gesturing for me to sit on the bed with the others.

"You went to Starbucks?" I ask stupidly enjoying the warmth from the cup.

"How did you guess?" Spencer teased me with a grin. I playfully slapped her on her knee.

"It's 8pm though isn't it closed?" I asked confused.

"We went to the drive through Starbucks, that one is open 24 hours" Hanna replied brushing her blonde hair.

"Of course Hanna would know that" Ali sniggered, peering at herself in the mirror.

It was a mean comment and no one laughed, I felt so bad for Hanna as I looked over at her to see that she had stopped brushing her hair and had her arms folded across her chest self-consciously as she looked down at the floor in shame. While Ali liked to keep us all close together she would point out our weaknesses at the same time. Hanna's weakness was that she was overweight and Alison loved to remind her by making indirect fat remarks. I thought Hanna was beautiful just the way she was and couldn't understand why Alison was so mean sometimes. While Alison wasn't looking I reached over and squeezed Hanna's hand to let her know I was on her side, she looked up at me and gave me a small smile and squeezed my hand back to say thank you.

"So girls guess who has a hot date later this week?" Alison squealed excitedly coming back over to the bed where we were all sitting.

"Oh wow that's so great Ali!" Emily gushed, Emily, she was always so sweet and sincere.

"I bet you wish you were going on a date too, Em" Alison giggled, but somehow I felt there was a hidden message behind that comment because Emily looked a little embarrassed.

"Who is the lucky guy?" I asked taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

"If I told you I'd have to kill you" Ali winked at me as she broke an oatmeal cookie in half and took a bite.

"Aw come on Ali, tell us who it is!" I said, I was curious to know.

"He is an older guy that's all I can tell you" she replied, all the playfulness was gone from her voice now and she had a faraway look in her eyes.

"Why can't you tell us anymore?" Spencer questioned raising a dark eyebrow. Spencer was the intelligent and brave one, she was fearless when it came to questioning Alison.

"Because I can't" Alison shrugged taking another bite of her cookie..

"This isn't like you, you normally love to brag about the latest guy who has fallen at your feet. Something is wrong here, I am thinking this guy is unavailable" Spencer threw her theory out there as usual.

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