A dart to your heart!

Start from the beginning

Hanamiya barely remembered one of his reader's review about the alarming number of fan fictions disappearing and that he should be careful...Maybe his account been hacked? Well...that was one of the most plausible answers for this kind of situation. If he DID get hacked, then whoever that Hacker was must have been really good.... Well, with skills or not, the hacker would DIE the moment Hanamiya found him/her.

Hanamiya shook his head and sighed, leaning back in his chair. This was NOT the time for him to just idle around, waiting for the answers about what happened to his stories to just pop into his mind. Fan fiction was the only way he could let out his desires for the bluenette and Hell NO was he going to give it up just because of some puny little Hacker...

He needed to make new HanaKuro fics...NOW.

But first...he needed to create a new account and probably use a different name as well...


[Scroll Down] [Select All] [Delete]

Heterochromatic eyes of red and gold stared---glared--- at the poor laptop's screen. A frown marred Akashi Seijuro's face.

"Tch." The fan fictions about my Tetsuya being paired to another are increasing....again.

[Click] [Select all] [Delete]

He watched in satisfaction as the fics got deleted, slowly, one by one; its very existence being erased...

[Scroll down]

Akashi stopped, staring at one certain fic. His eyes narrowed and he scowled.

[His and only his by: BadBoy2CutePhantom]

"P-please stop...agh..." Tetsuya whimpered to Hanamiya with a pleading gaze, squirming at the numerous binds strapped on his body.

Hanamiya smirked. "You say stop but you're body's not telling the same thing Tetsuya~" He purred---

Akashi slammed the laptop close, a vein throbbing on his temples.

That Imbecile! Had he not deleted his stories already? And he still had the gall to write that!?

Moments later after glaring at the fic, Akashi's scowl disappeared and was replaced with a malicious smirk.

It seemed like Hanamiya Makoto was more stubborn than he thought... very well then. If that was what he wanted to do then----


Hanamiya grinned like a madman whilst staring at his phone. Why? Well, he just got a new picture of one cute bluenette from a certain....source of his....

He shook his head and sighed. As much as he wanted to stare at the cute bluenette's picture for the whole day, he couldn't. He still had his fan fiction to check. He opened his account, went to his story, not bothering to read it, and went directly to the reviews with a grin...but it soon turned into a frown.

[I AM D BOSS 27: I had a major nosebleed.... *gets tissues and wipes blood* your AKAKURO story is awesome!]


Hanamiya scrolled down, reading another review, confused. The last time he checked he was sure that it was clearly HanaKuro and besides he would never, NEVER write a story for another pairing other than him and Kuroko's.

A dart to your heart!Where stories live. Discover now