Chapter 1: A Song and a Transformation

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I DO NOT own Phantom,The Phantom of the Opera, or Cats the Musical. Those are owned by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Gaston Leroux, and Susan Kay. So enjoy! :)

Chapter 1: A Song and A Transformation

Underneath the Opera Populaire, you would find a lair in which Erik Destler, the infamous Opera Ghost and the two loves of his life, Christine Daae and Ayesha, his Siamese cat, live. Christine and Erik had been married for a year now and Ayesha had grown somewhat accustomed with Christine and Christine with her, much to Erik's delight, that they would only glare at each other once in a while. But one day, things got very strange. One night, after a tiring day of performing and writing operas, Christine and Erik decided to go to bed. All was quiet, the only sound that was heard was the ticking of a grandfather clock and the sound of a snore or two coming from the bedroom. That was until the clock chimed twelve.

Jellicle Cats come out tonight,

Jellicle Cats come one, come all

The Jellicle Moon is shining bright,

Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball!

The stream of music woke Erik up with a start. At first, he decided to ignore it, since nothing seemed amiss, but then he heard the organ make a horrific, ungodly sound which made Christine wake up next to him with a jolt.

"What was that?" Christine asked, worried.

"I think it was Ayesha, but I'll go out and check." He replied, putting on his slippers, mask, and wig, just in case it wasn't her.

Christine decided to go with him, putting on her robe and slippers as she followed behind him. When they came to the noise, the two of them stood in awed silence. Erik was right. It was Ayesha, but that was not what made them stop. In front of them, Ayesha was changing before their very eyes.

Ayesha began to grow until she was around the same height as Christine and she began to stand on her hind feet. Her fur began to change until it looked liked a white eurotard with a brown oval design on her front and back. Her paws began to change into human hands and white dance shoes with brown on the tip on her feet. Her face became more human although her markings and the shape of her nose stayed the same. The fur on top of her head turned into white hair with a brown stripe coming in the middle , which were set up to look like her ears. Her tail became a belt of braided white yarn with a brown tip. The only thing that hadn't changed about her was the diamond stud collar around her neck which had grown with her.

"Is that-"
"It can't be!"

"Perhaps we're dreaming then, Erik."

"Oh, this is no dream." They heard a voice say. The two of them looked and saw the newly transformed Ayesha studying her nails.

"It's time for the Jellicle Ball." Ayesha said, taking the two of them by the hand and leading her humans to the site where the ball will begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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