Beautiful Blue Eyes

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When we got to the mall it looked like there were only like 10 people there. Which is totaly fine with me becasue I don't have to wait in a line for 20 damn minutes just to get a shirt then!

"Well let's get started!!" Darcy said way to happy

"Why do you go to the mall like every week?"

Darcy stops right in front of me and I almost knocked her over.

"BECAUSEEE It is the mall!! This place is like a second home to me!! She said with a huge smile on her face.

"Okay then.....Let's just gets this over with and go."

We went to Abercrombie, American Eagle, Holister, ect. Weo went to about every damn store in the mall!

"Aren't you tired of walking around all day?" I said while sitting down

"Kinda,but not really. You get use to it!"

"That's sad!" 

"Whatever! Let's go to another store!"

"Umm this fat kid right here needs to eat so NO!"

"Fine I heard there is a burgar place on the third floor. You can go eat and I will catch up with you after I go to a couple more store."

"Okay" When she walked off I decided to and get e some food. I was on the second floor ehen someone ran into me and knocked me on the ground.

"Hey! Why don't you watch were you are going!"

I look over and see a guy in a hoodie and sunglasses. He was a couple inches taller then me but looked around the same age as me

"Sorry love, Here let me help you up." He stook out his hand and lifted me up so fast I thought my head was going to come off my shoulders

"Wow, I would like too keep my head on my body!"

"Sorry love I am just in a hu-

He was cut off by about 100 screaming girls comming up the stairs. All of them were either yelling or crying or both!

"Come on lets go!" He said while grabing my hand and draging me to the elevator. when we got inside it he wouldn't stop pushing the close button until it closed. I barley closed in time. he slid down the side of the elevator and gave out a sigh of releif. And then the elevator stopped and I fell on the floor.

"Did the elevator really just stop?!" I ask panicing

"I think so love.."

"Well shit..." And then my stomach grumbled

"Looks like someone is hungry" He said while smiling

"Well I was on my way to get food until I got pushed over and then drug into a elevator that stopped!"

He just laughed and look of his hood and sun glasses. I looked at him and he had the most beautiful ocean blue eyes. He laughed again

"You like what you see." He said while smiling

"Oh sorry it's just your eyes are really beautiful" I said looking down

"Well thank you!" "Yours are very beautiful too."

I started laughing "Thank you, but they really aren't.They are just plain brown."

"Well I think they are!" 

We just sat there for a while until he noticed me stairing at him

"Do you like stairing at me?" He said

"Oh sorry it just seems like I have seen you before."

"Do you know who One Direction is?"

"Yeah I have heard of them. I listen to some of there music but not a lot"

"Well I am in the band, I am Louis!"

"OH I remember you now! Aren't you like the oldest?"

"Yeah. So since we are going to be in here for a while why don't we get to know each other?"

"Okay. Well why don't you go first?'

"Okay Well my name is Louis Tomlinson, I am 20 years old,My birthday is December 24, I am from Doncaster, England, I have 5 sisters, and I am curently in a relastionship." He finished with a smile "Well your turn!"

"Well My name is Kaitlynn Cooper, I am 17 years old,My birthday is August 26,I have 4 sisters and 1 brother, And I am single, Have been for a while now! Well that's it:/ I don't really have an exciting life."

He was about to say something until his phone rang. He was said like 5 words and then hung up.

"We will be out of here in about 30 minutes. After we get out I can take you somewhere to get something to eat if you would like."

"No it's fine, I will just get something to eat when I get home."

"Come one, I mean I got you stuck in here the least I can do is get you something to eat."

"Okay but do you care if my friend comes too. I kinda came here with her and she is probably worried sick about me."

"Yeah that is fine"


Sooo what did you guys think?!:) And I need a couple of people to play some parts in this book. If you want to Comment below:) I need girls who Wanna date Louis,Zayn, Or Liam:) Bye loves. OHH And I am American okay!!So if I get something wrong about England it is beacuse I don't live there! I live in Kansas! That is in the damn middle of the United States!

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