Arnaldo Trabucco - Made several presentations about prostate cancer

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Prostate cancer effects millions of men every year. Arnaldo Trabucco is a urologist who has worked on several publications about prostate cancer. He has also made multiple television appearances to discuss prostate cancer and treatments. There are several things that all men should know about prostate cancer so that they can work towards protecting their health.

The first thing every man should know about this cancer is that it is very common. This cancer is the second most common cancer found in men. Therefore, it is very important to get regular prostate screenings from your doctor. Your doctor will check to see if there is anything abnormal with your prostate which could help detect the cancer its early stages.

Another important fact about prostate cancer is the rate of its growth. This cancer grows very slowly. This means that it is often difficult to detect in its early stages. Many men do not experience any symptoms during the early stages, but will begin to suffer from symptoms in the later stages.

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