Icky Beginnings: 2

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The beer was less than cold by the time Sarah arrived. She dumped her stitched bag by the table leg and proceeded to scrutinize the lady in front of her. Lucy was munching on some deep-fried goodness. The perfect antidote after a long day. "That scumbag!" fervent proclamations of a gruesome end came spilling forth from Sarah. Lucy just sat there impassively detached from shite like this. She looked at Sarah and offered a mellow smile. "I told you so." Her statement was met with a frown by her brunette companion. She didn't quite appreciate her apathetic tone. "Lucy I don't know why you bother. You honestly don't give a shite about these scumbags then why do you date them?"

The red-haired chick wasn't quite disturbed by her friend's observation. It was true after all. She didn't give a rat's ass about those damn boys. "They're distractions lovely. Honestly he was a good lay and came to dinner on time didn't really expect much more from him." Sarah simply sighed and proceeded to stuff her face with some more food before heaving a heavy sigh and rested her head on her hand.

"So what now?" Lucy looked at her and tutted. "Well now I go to court and decimate some unfortunate prosecutor's arse. Fun times." She winked at the brunette and made to get up. Tossing a few dollars on the table and a wink behind her she was on her way. Sarah just kept gaping in Lucy's direction and wondered why she bothered. It was the same reaction after every breakup. Either they cheated or Lucy got bored of their stupid arses and left them biting the dust.

Well there was nothing she could do. Her friend was a man eater and boy did she live up to that reputation. She felt a smidgen of pity for the poor lawyer who was up against her today. He was about to get a life threatening dose of Lucy Cooperson. More like ego threatening. Poor sod's going to need the therapist.


Lucy Cooperson made her way downtown to her office. Her presence was enough to make the chattering secretaries scatter to the wind. Papers were shuffled. Keyboards subjected to the pounding of fingers. No one wanted to face Lucy's wrath. Especially not today. The man eater was in the house.


Lucy's assistants barely made it past the one-month mark and if they did they had probably had more than one crying fest by then. She didn't need words to reduce a man to nothing, leveling him with one gaze was more than enough. She was almost to her office when her new assistant Linda came by with her messages. Linda was by far the most promising candidate. She kept shut unless asked a question. Did everything without a single peep and worshipped the ground Lucy walked on. Lucy liked the silence and efficiency that took over the office in her presence. It was just what was needed to generate results. It was not a joke to be amongst the top lawyers and staying there was almost akin to being in the presence of a starving predator. One wrong breath and game over.

Her latest toy was Jason. Well he was old news now. It was easier to find someone new than to keep someone. Not that her brothers agreed but then again she hadn't been listening to them since she turned eighteen and flew the coop.

She had a date with the court in an hour. Linda was almost done with her messages and the next thing on the agenda was getting through the gruesome report on her desk. Her next client was a twenty-six-year-old mother of two. She had somehow gotten muddled up in a drug ring that operated in her school district. Real piece of work. She pushed the file aside and called Linda in.

With specific instructions to reschedule all meeting for tomorrow and to pack all the files she needed for tomorrow and have them delivered to her apartment she went to court. Sweet old satisfying decimation of characters. She loved her routine.


The court room was bustling the moment the verdict was declared. Not guilty. On all counts. Satisfying.

She left the courtroom with all eyes on her. With all eyes on her. Those green eyes that held malice went unnoticed. Strike one.


The sweat dropped from her brow. Her muscles straining with the effort to punch the living shit out of her sparring partner. He fell to the floor tired and wiped out. The grin that appeared on her face was devastating. She offered a hand to him and got pulled down on top of him instead. The few strands that escaped the hair tie were framing her face. Mark was exhausted. She took a lot out of him today. Must've been something bugging her. It wasn't court because if it was he wouldn't have had the energy to look up leave alone pull her down. It was something else.

Lucy was an enigma. As much as she appeared to be an open book her life was shrouded in mystery. Everybody idolized her and those who didn't secretly envied her. She rolled off of him and laid beside him. The ceiling was a moldy grey. Too much water damage. Telxon's was the best gym in town, but not in infrastructure. It was raw, unpolished, real. No faint of heart lasted here. There were brutal beat downs, sickening injuries and bruises of all colors seen here. Telxon's sure was different.

Mark raised his head to look at her. She exuded pure sensuality. Carnal animal pleasure no holds barred. Every movement was precise, calculated.; there was no room for error. No space for waste. The sharp lines of her face didn't give her the run of the mill look. Her fiery red hair, her slanting blue eyes and the sharp high cheekbones made her an unconventional beauty. She defied norms not only in her work but also her life.

"You can say what you want to I won't bite." She tilted her head to the side to look at him. Mark remained silent for a second then met her gaze. He gave her a wry smile. "Yes, you will."

She cracked a smile in return. "I might. Spill." That smile. God. All those wee sods didn't know what they were missing out on. Her Scottish ancestry was apparent in her hair. And her flaring temper. God help those who she unleashed it on. "Something bothering you Luce?" She was fiercely loyal, unflinchingly protective and unwaveringly hardworking. All that was missing was a heart.

She rolled to the side and got up. "We still on for dinner?" her question was sharp. She really didn't want to talk about it. He let it go. For now. He'd get it out of Sarah she'd know. "Yeah. See you back at yours." They went their separate ways. She went to pick up some Chinese and he went to pick up some fresh clothes. Luce was really picky about stains in the apartment. She was too annoyed to notice the man banging into her shoulder properly. If she had tuned into her senses she would have noticed the malice rolling off him in waves. Strike two.

Careful Luce...... best be careful.


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