Chapter 1 Fate Treats Me Kind

Start from the beginning

"TSURUGA-SAN!!!" Now she really jumped high and ready for dogeza position.

"Stop! I'm sorry for startling you. I was in hurry, scared to imagine if the banner hit your head. So, are you okay, Mogami-san?"

"I am really sorry for causing you any trouble. Yes, I'm fine, thank you. I must've been tired that I could be that careless. No professional actress would let herself injured. That was bad of me. I am sorry Tsuruga-san."

"I'm glad you are okay. Accident surely happened to anyone. I'm just glad I could spare you from one." With that, he gave her one of his divine smile.

"Once again, thank you so much!" She said, bowed deep.

'Oh my God. Thank you so much for hearing my pray. Right when I desperately want to see him, there he was, standing in his glory with a smile that could cleanse any evil. Please, oh please... Let me stay with him as long as possible.' Kyoko felt really grateful, so she conveyed it by the bow.

"Never mind. I assumed you're done with your work here, since you took the sign down. Am I correct?"

"Yes, we were just finished. Have you taken your dinner?" Kyoko questioned him sternly.

Interpreting his silence as a no, she sighed, "Not yet, I guess. Why don't you come in. I'm sure Okami-san have something for your dinner."

'A chance! I'm sorry Mogami-san. I'll make use of your kindness and be a bit selfish. I intend to spend the rest of my free time with you.' Ren thought apologetically.

Ren's feeling gradually became lighter. Now when he could see his love of life in front of him safe and sound, he could breath easier. Especially when he heard the concern in her voice about his wellbeing.

"Ah, actually, Mogami-san, I came here with a little request. If you're not busy after this, maybe I can have your time for a moment."

"Sure. What can I do for you?"

"I have some things to do tomorrow since the morning and I just finished some pending works today. Being Cain Heel and myself is a bit hectic. If you don't mind, I need some help. Say, if I asked the landlord nicely, do you think you can come over to my place and help me with some things?"

"Sure. If it's work, I think they won't mind. I'll tell them right away. Would you mind if I change my clothes first?"

"Oh of course. Please take your time. I'll talk to Taisho and Okami-san. It's better to bring some change of clothes. I don't know when it will finish and I absolutely won't let a girl go anywhere after midnight. I'll drive you myself to your shooting location tomorrow."

"Oh, but-"

"No but. Come on, let's go inside and you can change your clothes. Then we can leave sooner."

Thinking nothing more than a job that needed to be done, Kyoko hastily changed her clothes.

'He said we're gonna go to his place, so I think something cuter is fine, right? He won't think bad of me if I wear girly clothes, right? Oh, whatever. I'l take the risk.' Kyoko thought while she packed a few things needed for a sleep over.

Meanwhile, Ren approached the Taisho and Okami, greeted them politely and asked them for permission to take Kyoko out.

"Can I trust her with you?" The Taisho asked Ren frankly.

"Yes, Sir. You have my word. I will never let anyone hurt her, including myself. You are welcome to come by and stay with us if you want. I'll leave you my address and my number. Please feel free to use it anyhow you see fit." Ren bowed deep to them.

Ren wouldn't take Kyoko out without their consent because in Ren's mind, they were, for everything but blood, Kyoko's parents. He would properly gain their approval before taking Kyoko anywhere. Besides, tonight would be the first time Ren asked Kyoko to stay at his place intentionally for personal reason.

Kyoko came down the stair with a small travel bag in her hand. Ren bowed to the Taisho and Okami then approached her, took the bag from her and said, "I'll take this to the car. Go take your leave. I'll wait outside."

Kyoko took her leave and said good bye to the couple and go out to meet Ren.

He was standing next to his car, holding the passenger seat door opened, waiting for her to get in and sit, then he closed the door. He walked around his car and get into the car.

"So, Mogami-san, what would you like to eat tonight?"

"Do you really want to eat out? Do you mind if I cook instead of eating out tonight?"

"Won't that troubled you? You just finished working in the shop and now you want to cook? Aren't you tired? I'm fine with just a bento from the *konbini." (japanese reference for convenient store)

"That's not dinner. Actually, I'm tired of restaurant and cooking is always relaxing for me and also ease me up to think you have a proper meal in your system, Tsuruga-san."

Kyoko pouted. Ren chuckled lightly. Seeing her pouting was cute. She was adorable through and through.

"You do realize that I wasn't home for the past week, right? I don't have anything for you to cook. I did tell you I have some things that needed your help but cooking wasn't included."

"Then how about ordering something for dinner and shopping a bit for breakfast. That way I can help you right away."

"That sounds better. What would you like to eat? Steak hamburger with egg?"

Ren chuckled when he saw her eyes sparkled just by hearing her favorite food mentioned.

"Add the salad and soup, after all you need to eat too. I won't let you have unbalanced food at least when I'm with you." Kyoko added as he made his way to the garage.

Ren called the delivery service and order their dinner on their way to the supermarket in his apartment building. Walking slowly, he enjoyed every moment with her beloved girl.

Kyoko was beyond happy. All those times she tried to figure out how to contact him were paid. Her tired body and mind after heavy meeting with her mother were gradually lessen.

'I'll help him. Maybe I can get him to talk if I tell him that Iam Bo. Even if after that he would despise me for lying to him. For now, I'll just enjoy my time with him.' Kyoko determined.

'I'll tell her everything tonight. I'll put everything on the stake and take the chance. In the meantime, I'll savor my probably last time withe her.' Ren decided.

A/N: Alright... Lemme know what you think of this story. I'm not planning on making it long, but who knows? I'll try to update regularly. See you...

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