Friend's Day Out

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Cindy's POV
It was a beautiful day in Virginia. I wake up from such a relaxing night. I hear a knock on the door. I ran down the stairs to open the door and see who it was. It was Mario! Mario and I are very close. I wish he was my brother😊.

M-Hey Cindy!!!
C-Hey Mario!!
We hugged and he came inside.
We sat in the couch and watched TV together (in case you didn't know, Jacob lives with me.)
Jacob came down and saw Mario. They hugged and Mario went upstairs with Jacob to make musical.lys together. I went up too because I wanted to be in them too. The first one we did was really fun😊😊.

Skip to after doing the musical.lys*

We all decided to go to the park so Jacob got his bike and I hopped on too. I went on the back while Jacob started peddling. Mario likes to run so he just ran after us😂😂. We got to the park and saw Quentin all by himself. Mario went up to me and pulled me aside for a second. Jacob was okay with it.

M- Cindy, I have something to tell you. Don't tell anyone I told you okay?
C- Okay. Just tell me!
M-Quentin has a crush on you.
C-What? Seriously?
M- Yeah
C- Oh, I kinda already knew because I heard a lot of rumours.
M- Oh.

I went back and sat in the swings.

Jacob's POV
Mario pulled Cindy away from me to tell her something. I didn't know what it was but I wasn't so curious. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with me. Cindy ran to the swings because that's where Quentin was. I knew she liked hanging out with boys so I wasn't worried. Cindy started talking to him. I ran to the swings because I wanted to see what they were talking about.

Q-Quentin J-Jacob C-Cindy

Q-Hey Cindy!!
C-Hey Bro!!!
Q-So why are you here?
C-We just decided to come because we had nothing to do
Q-Oh okay. Well what do you wanna do ?
C-I don't know. I'm gonna go call Mario and Jacob over here.
Q- Oh okay.

Quentin's POV
Cindy went to go get Mario and Jacob over here. Sometimes I feel really jealous when Jacob and Cindy are together and they're just doing such romantic things. Sometimes I get to jealous and get frustrated and maybe even mad. I'm starting to have 2nd thoughts about Jacob. I don't know. Maybe I should just move on. It's not like I'd ever get her anyways. Cindy ran over with Jacob and Mario. Damn I just love the way her hair swishes around when she runs❤️😍. Okay.

M-Hey Quentin!
J-Hey Bro!
C-I'm gonna go on the swings while you guys chat away.
Q and J and M- Okay!

Cindy's POV
I can tell Quentin is in love with me. The way he looks at me. It turn me on but again it doesn't because I have Jacob and Jacob turns me on more than Quentin does. I went in my phone and decided to go live. I have online data so I can go live wherever I want within the state. I saw Suji and Wendy comment that they're going to come to the park to hang out with me. 20 minutes into the broadcast, I saw someone from a distance. He looked very familiar. He got closer and closer... It looked like... Mark! I yelled him name to get him to come join my broadcast.
M-Mark C-Cindy
C-You guys wanna play Double dare ? (It's truth or dare without truth)
Mark arrived and so did Sujani and Wendy.
C-Oh wait Suji and Wendy are here. Oh wait I think Mark is over there. He's walking. Take you time Mark. I won't rush you.... (Sarcasm) MARK HURRY UP!!!
S-Sujani W-Wendy
M-OK!!!! HOLD ON!!!!
Suji , Wendy, and I started giggling.
Mark has a big crush on Wendy so I'm gonna dare him to kiss her when he gets here. If only he could run fast....
M- K whatcha guys doing?
Cindy, Suji, and Wendy- We were waiting for you to hurry up so we can start the game.
C-Were gonna play Double Dare.
C-I'll go first. Mark, I dare you to kiss Wendy on the lips for 10 seconds.
M-Ok whatever.
Mark kissed her for like 20 seconds because he was kind of excited.
S-Ok I'll go next. Cindy, I dare you to get Jacob and go on his back and make him run around the field until the next person finishes their dare.
C-Yay! I'm not embarrassed at all! Imma go get him.

Jacob's POV
Cindy ran over to me and told me to give her a ride all over the field until she says to stop. She jumped on my back and we ran around the field for like 5 minutes like we had problems with walking😂😂.
C-Cindy J-Jacob
C-Jacob, this is a dare. I'm just pointing that out.
J-What the hell?!? Whatever it's fun anyways😊
C-Okay I think you can stop and put me down now😊
J-Ok, (puts me down.) So you guys are playing Double Dare?
C-Yeah. Wanna join in?
J-Sure ! I'll get the boys to join too. Wait, is Mark here?
C-Yeah, why?
J- I just wanna talk to him about something.
C-Okay. Get the boys ! We'll wait for you. Btw Sujani and Wendy is here too.

I went to get the boys but as I was walking back, I thought about talking to Mark about getting back together (as friends, I ain't gay). I got the boys and told them that they're broadcasting and they're playing Double Dare. We got there and I told Cindy what I was gonna tell Mark and pulled him aside.

Mark's POV
I saw Jacob, Quentin, and Mario coming and I just had a feeling that Jacob's going to do something. I don't know if it was going to be bad or not but I just had the feeling. It was Wendy's turn. Damn she's so hot😍. Jacob was coming towards me and I felt a scared for a second but then he told me that he had to talk to me about something. He pulled me aside.
J-Jacob M-Mark
J- Hey Mark, I just wanna stop ignoring you. I admit that what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have insulted you. I just wanna be your friend again.
M-Okay, I'm tired of ignoring you too. I'm glad you apologized. I forgive you. But I'm just saying, I'm still a bit upset but not as much as I was before.
J-Okay. Let's get back to the game.
W-Wendy S-Sujani J-Jacob M-Mark Q-Quentin Ma-Mario
W- What took you guys so long?!? Okay whatever I'm gonna dare someone now. Suji, I dare you to go to Mario and kiss him on the cheek.
Ma-Omg (whispered)
S- Ok. I don't care to be honest. He's like a brother to me.

Cindy's POV
At this point there were a lot of comments like, Aww #Muji, Omg I ship it,etc. Sujani leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. No one knows that I know that Mark likes Wendy and that Mario likes Sabrina. Mario started blushing. It was so adorable. Then it was Jacob's turn.

J- Mark, I dare you to you to lick a piece of grass.
M-Oh sh*t! That's so disgusting! Why would you tell me to do that. (At this point everyone knows that they're back together as friends again.)
J- Cuz I wanna see your bravery.
M- Ok whatever. Let's get this over with.
Mark ripped out a piece of grass from the field and licked it. He literally spit it out like 1 second after it went in his mouth😂😂. It was Mario's turn.

Ma- Suji, I dare you to kiss Jacob on the lips for 5 seconds.
C-You can do it Suji! It's okay! Just do it and get it over with!
S-Okay! Are you sure Cindy?
C- Yeah! Just do it!

Suji leaned and kissed him for 5 seconds. I got kind of jealous but it's nothing because it's just a dare. It was getting a bit late so I ended the broad cast but before I ended it I quickly checked how long I have been broadcasting. I BROADCASTED FOR 3 HOURS!!!! That's the longest I've ever broadcasted. We all went back. Jacob and I were riding his bike home. When we arrived on the driveway, I was shaking. Jacob saw me shaking and gave me his sweatshirt. We walked to the front door holding hands and opened the door and went inside. When I got back, I got a text from.....

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book! Let me know what you think of this chapter in the comment section and leave some suggestions on what you want to see in the future of this story. Luv you😘

My Mythical Life|  Jacob Sartorius and Mario Selman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now