Day three

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Germany again well who else would it be? You know what don't answer that.

6:00 Am

Today when I woke up I was very surprised to find I was alone. That's right Italy wasn't in bed next to me. That means I have to go get him from his room.

6:15 Am

When I got to Italy's room I was surprised to find it empty. Okay not empty in fact I think the only thing not in there was Italy. I have got to get him to clean up his room before Japan sees it.

6:30 Am

I made my way to Italy's house and it too was empty. I'm pretty sure all his things are on the floor of his bedroom at my place.

7:00 Am

So now I'm trying to hunt down Italy. Why? I honestly have no clue whoever kidnapped him has got there work cut out for them... Did I just say kidnapped? Nah he's probably fine... As long as he's not near any weapons, or battle fields. What if he is? I can just imagine America kidnapping him. He'd treat him like some sort of dog and make him eat England's cooking. 

8:00 Am

I'm in Switzerland now, fortunately there's no sign Italy was here, in fact I'm pretty sure Switzerland isn't here. I hear he's kind of scary.

8:30 Am

I decided to go look in France, of course I'm in disguise, I mean yeah he's afraid of me but France is creepy. I'm pretty sure he's the world biggest pervert.

9:00 Am

Fortunately there's no sign of France... Where is everyone today? Have they all been kidnapped? If so sweet! No more Italy, France... Hey I wonder if they got Romano too? That would be like a dream come true, and America. In fact that entire team, just leave me and Japan to run the world. That's when I remembered I had yet to see Japan.

10:00 Am

I'm back at my place and can't find Japan. Yeah that's not uncommon but since I haven't seen anyone all day I'm getting worried.

10:05 Am

I walked into my office just in time for my phone to ring.

"Daskata! Doitsu! Daskata!" Italy cried.

I sighed in relief, he'd been kidnapped after all. The other countries wouldn't actually hurt him.

"What happened this time?" I asked not even caring he'd called me Doitsu again.

"France lured me in by offering me back those painting I let him barrow and then they caught Japan!" Italy sighed.

I knew if they had caught Japan they might actually do something to Italy. At least France can cook.

11:00 Am

Okay so I'm in America, it was the only place I could think of that they would hide them in.

"Ha ha stupid Germany will never think to look all the way over here for them!" America declared.

I haven't been here five minutes and I'm all ready getting a head ache from him. How do they spend the whole day with him?

"I still say we should have used my home," China sighed.

"Never mind that Italy doesn't know anything, Germany's to smart to tell him anything, if we want information we have to break Japan." Switzerland sighed.

"How do we break Japan, the guys never even been angry before." England sighed.

"What if we threaten Italy." China suggested.

Hetalia: Germany's journalWhere stories live. Discover now