Will you catch me when i fall?

18 1 2

Renee's P.O.V
It's the end of the year.That may sound good but there's last minute papers due , we are all tired with each other , the teachers are giving up and everyone seems to be jumping into last minute relationships.

Okay so Mary lead on Hawk and I guess someone found out he liked her then she was like "EW" now it's awkward.
Then Mary and Eddie dated again but he "cheated" on her with Lacey who broke up with him for Jamari who broke up with Lacey to be with Mary but they didn't last long and now he is with Chaundra.Now Mary's  in an on and off again relationship with Robert who barley even talks to her.
And now basically all the boys in are class are jealous of Robert.
Which is pretty funny because Robert.
Roberty.Roberta rabbity robbity rab rob.
I still have the book the only people who have read it are me and Teagan considering I dumped it in her locker.

- (*whoosh* flashback)
I was about to go to lunch with Megan because Teagan was taking too long until I heard ,
"GASP , someone's diary is in my locker!"
Oops I forgot all about that.
Great job Renee , get fucking SHREKT.
"Um , I found that on the ground so I just put it I your locker"
She flipped through the pages with dramatized amusement.
"Is this Roberts?" She asks looking up in excitement.
"Shhhh" I say incase anyone hears
- (*whish* present time)
We haven't told anyone else and it isn't our right to.I can't help but feel extremely guilty.I wish I could talk to him but ,
It's none of my business.
The Robert from the diary is a completely different Robert than the one I know.
What the fuck would I say.
He would be embarrassed and probably pissed that I went through his things and invaded his privacy.
Should I talk to him just so he knows I'm here?
I feel weird doing that.
When will he start to realize that it's missing?
Oh shit.
Mary's P.O.V
Me and Jimena are looking at the papers Mr.Stan Stan passed out in homeroom for the end of the year school dance.
"Jimena who are you going with?"
"I don't know , I'm a single women and I would like for it to stay that way , I'm basically like asexual"
I'm confused.I thought she was straight!
I gasp loudly
"No , your so stupid that just means I have no sexual feelings"
I think about it for a while.
"Your going with your boyfriend to the dance right?"
Jimena smirked.
"Ya , I guess" I like Robert , but he's just like Andrew.He doesn't talk to me ,show me affection or treat me like a girlfriend at all.

He treats Elijah more like his girlfriend than me.
I whisper to Jimena , "look at Eli-li , he's like , CHING TING MONG MONG joNG DING" he looks at me when he hears his name and me and Jimena start laughing.
I get up to sharpen my pencil and I feel my legs lock.
Everything goes black.
- *time skip*
I wake up in the nurse.I don't really remember anything.I just remember fainting and hearing Jimena scream.
I takes a couple minutes for the woman to realize I'm awake.
"Oh your up , how are you feeling?" The woman asks.

"My head hurts and so does my leg."
She looks at me sympathetically.
Hopefully I get to go home.

It ends up that I have a concussion from hitting my head on the table when I fell and an untreated sprained ankle that they think I got at soccer a few days ago and that's what caused it.
And now I can't go to the dance.Which is tomorrow and I  don't really care about since I would have to go with gay Robert.I will sit at home eating ice cream and watching Netflix.Hopefully I don't get fat.
I post a snapchat with the crying filter and captioned it
"When you can't go to the dance."
I smile as I get snaps back ,
"Aw I'm so sorry I hope you feel better!"
"Get well soon"
"Won't be as fun with out you :("
"What happened!!!"
"Are you okay?"
Elijah P.O.V
Everyone is either rushing over to where Mary just passed out or looking at Mr.Stanton expectantly.
"Give her some space!" The math teacher says and the students spread out most of their jaws dropped and eyes bulging like Mrs.Foey.
Mary went to the nurse and none of us had seen her since.Rumors had been circulating the sixth grade.
"I heard that she's brain dead!"
"No I heard that she has an eating disorder and hasn't eaten in 13 months and that's why she fainted"
"I think she cracked her skull"
"Someone said Mr.Stanton tripped her!"
"Lacey that makes no fucking sense why would he trip one of his students!"
"The ANET scores , I guess"
"Janaida said that she's pregnant,"
"Probably with Robert's baby!"
Lacey who seems to lead the group , rolls her eyes , "AS IF , he's too gay to even talk to her let alone fuck her!"
My blood is boiling.How dare they talk about my- I mean Robert like that.I don't want to cause a scene in the fucking lunch line so I keep my mouth shut.
   When I get back at the table I routinely take my seat next to Robert.
"Hey I'm sorry about Mary , I knew you wanted to go to the dance with her,"
He looks up at me "ya,"
I don't know what else to say.
"Well you can go with me!"
He looks at me with Foey eyes like when everyone watched as the petite brunette plummeted towards the ground."I mean as friends"
He nods and goes back to eating his lunch.

Authors note : um ya.

Don't get any concussions
And don't leave ur sprained ankle untreated
U FUKEN maggot


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