Chapter Three

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We sat in silence until I noticed Stiles approaching us, I let out a sigh of relief as soon as I saw him and I couldn't help but smile as he tripped over his own feet when he tried to run, he sat down on the bench below me and Derek and turned around.

"So Stiles, are they ever going to let you step foot on the field?" Derek teased, trying not to laugh too much at his own joke.

"Funny you should say that, Coach said I might be up for first line any day now." Stiles said it seriously, like he actually believed it, although I had never actually seen him play, from the constant jabs made at him about how bad he actually was and the constant sarcasm of Coach Finstock I knew that he was being too hopeful. Derek started laughing next to me, and there was something about the way he laughed; how it fluctuated between a deep rumble from the back of his throat, to a slight giggle once he had calmed down, that made the hairs at the back of my neck stand up. I then tried my hardest to joke around, mostly just to have the pleasure of hearing his laugh again. 

We were still laughing at a previous joke when I went straight on to making another, but this time a jab at myself too, "Stiles, you've got more chance of Coach telling me to get my fat ass on the field than you do of getting out there!" Stiles narrowed his eyes some and then laughed, but Derek scrunched his eyebrows together and stared at me with confusion, looking me up and down.

After a couple of seconds of him looking at my body I started to get uncomfortable, but in the back of my head I appreciated the attention, Derek was my type, he was everybody's type, muscular build, strong shoulders framed perfectly by his leather jacket, piercing eyes which seemed to stare straight into the centre of your soul, a strong, defined jaw with just the perfect amount of stubble.

I shook the thoughts from my head and looked at him again, still staring. "What?" I said, surprised at the volume of my voice. I hated how shyly I had said it.

He must have realised he'd been staring then, but he didn't look away, instead he gave me one last look and smiled, giving a glance of his perfectly aligned teeth. "I'm just surprised that's all, because you're not a fat ass, I mean you're pretty perfect from my point of view."

I opened my mouth to say something but snapped it back shut, I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just smiled to myself, feeling my cheeks getting warm, until Stiles whistled slightly under his breath, all of us hearing it, making my cheeks blaze and burn from the compliment. 

Again, Stiles was my hero and lifted the awkward atmosphere with another dumb joke, it didn't take long for us all to slip into a easy conversation, although I'm sure that Derek wasn't paying much attention to Stiles, he seemed to laugh at my jokes and seemed to be interested in everything I had to say, no it'll never happen, stop imagining things, I told myself, but when I glanced over at Stiles he gave a suggestive look. Maybe, just maybe I was right with what I was thinking. 

The three of us hadn't even been paying any interest in the lacrosse game, I completely forgot where I was when it came to talking to Derek, I liked him a lot, even though I'd only just met him today, but I knew I wanted to see him again. The final whistle blew whilst Derek was in the middle of making yet another jab at Stiles, I didn't need to look at the scoreboard to know that we had won, everyone around us jumped up and shouted and screamed with applause. I stood up to join in with the celebration when I felt an arm wrap around my waist, I turned to Derek and his face reddened slightly before he put up his free hand and raised his eyebrow to suggest a high-five. I grinned and slapped my hand against his, shocked by the warmth of it that seemed to travel up through my arm into the rest of my body, he held my hand there until I noticed Scott running up to us, we dropped our hands limply and went over to congratulate him, my hand suddenly feeling very lonely.

I saw Cora and Alison walking towards us, Alison went straight to Scott and pulled him in for a hug, whilst Cora walked over to Derek, throwing him a pair of car keys.

"I thought that Stiles was driving you here and you were coming straight to me to get your keys?" She said.

He eyes glanced towards me before he sighed. "I was but I decided that I'd stay for the game, and I got talking to Sarah and time seemed to go so quickl- Why does it matter? And make sure you ask before you borrow my car next time!"

The last comment made Cora roll her eyes. "Sure, and it doesn't, I'm staying at Alison's tonight so don't stay up waiting for me!" Cora shouted as she walked to the direction of the car park, I noticed that everyone else, Stiles, Scott and Alison had also disappeared. 

"Need a ride home?" Derek asked, I looked up to him and nodded.

The ride to my house was quiet, but comfortable, that might of had something to do with Derek's ridiculously expensive interior, we spoke about the car for a little, but the weight of the first day of school seemed to weigh down heavy on my shoulders, and I couldn't seem to keep my eyes open any longer. 

I woke up from a warm hand shaking my shoulder, followed by a whisper, "Sarah, this is your house right?"

Dazed I opened my eyes to see Derek's face inches from mine, I leaned back further into the chair, still completely fogged by sleep and startled from the close proximity between us. "Uh, yeah, thanks." I said, at the same time opening the car door and sliding out, I felt Derek grab onto my wrist. 

"Goodnight, Sarah." He said, in the softest tone I had heard him speak since we met, and with a small smile.

I returned the smile and responded. 

"Drive safe, Derek Hale."

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