Chapter One

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I had been woken up to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing from the other side of the room, with a slight sigh I pushed myself up off of my bed and crossed the other side of the room to the source of the noise which was telling me that it was my very first day at my first American High School. 

I had moved to Beacon Hills with my parents a couple of weeks ago and needless to say I was not looking forward to the first day, I would now be a senior at Beacon Hills High School, I sighed at the thought of my friends back home in England. They were probably already half way through the day, forcing the image of my old life to the back of my head I started to get ready, I came to a halt at my wardrobe, again, beginning to be plagued with memories of England, there would be no traditional school uniform, I grinned at the thought of not having to wear a blazer and tie again, instead I opted for some light wash skinny jeans, my worn and battered converse and a plain black t-shirt that I had recently brought back in England. I checked my reflection in the mirror and again, I started smiling as I didn't have to wear such formal clothing for school; desperately trying to search for a silver lining within the storm ridden clouds which were representative to my new life in America. 

I grabbed my bag and headed for the door. I walked the small ten minute journey to what would be my new school, I turned a corner and there it was. My heart clenched, and my breathing became slightly erratic. I automatically crossed my arms around my body trying to protect myself from what I thought was imminent danger, I felt my eyes fill with tears and my brain soon became clouded with negative thoughts on how this day would surely end up, my legs buckled and I soon ended up shakily sitting on the curb.  

"Hey, um... are you, are you okay?" I looked up to the source of the voice, standing in front of me was a boy, still swarmed with panic and confusion on who had asked the question  I realised the boy in front of me was the only other person here, looking up my eyes fell on the boy who was wearing an expectant expression, obviously hoping for an answer. 

"I.. I..." trying my hardest to take a deep breath yet still somehow failing "can't. breathe." I finally responded. With that the boys face immediately turned into a mix of confusion and understanding, identifying what was wrong with me. 

"It's just a panic attack, try to steady your breathing, focus on trying to get your heartbeat to normal again, it's just chemicals in your brain, that's all." I had been trying my hardest to focus on this boys advice but it seemed to be getting worse. I looked up at him, once we had made eye contact he broke out with a huge grin.

"Or, of course, I could give you the kiss of life, y'know, help both of us out a little?" He wiggled his eyebrows and screwed his face up to form the funniest pouting face I had seen in my life, I immediately started laughing at this; noticing at this point that he had completely brought me out of my state of panic. I realised that I was still sitting on the ground so quickly shot up to stand, he also changed his crouching position to a standing one also, I noticed he was marginally taller than me.

"Thank you for that, it's my first day here, I'm Sarah." I announced to him, straightening my arm out to give him a handshake, he immediately held out his own hand, simultaneously saying "Nice to meet you, I'm Stiles, and happy-first-day-at-Beacon-Hills-High-School." we both proceeded to laugh and walked up to the entrance together. 

I followed him down the hallways, in complete shock at how many students were crammed in one building, everything in America seemed so much bigger; including the schools, I exchanged small talk until he looked over to another group of people. His friends, I thought. "Come over and meet everyone?" he asked, I took a deep breath and nodded. 

As soon as I got over there Stiles got the attention of the small group "Guys, this is Sarah, it's her first day here, so please understand that she doesn't understand how much it sucks yet" this cause a few short laughs from the group, straight away putting me at ease, of course, I was then overcome with everyone introducing themselves to me.

"I'm Scott, its nice to meet you!" He smiled warmly and I noticed that his arm was snaked around the waist of a girl, "and this is Allison, my girlfriend" she smiled at Scott's introduction to her "Hi" she said and held her hand up in a half-hearted attempt of a casual wave. 

"Hey, I'm Lydia" she looked at me and gave a smile, then proceeded to take the piece of paper I was holding in my hand, it was my schedule for the day, "...and it looks like we're in all the same classes, nice to know there won't be another idiot in the group like Stiles." This caused another wave of laughter to travel through the group, with only Stile's giving a small protest on what had been said. We stood and talked for another couple of minutes until a bell rung out throughout the building to signal it was time for class, with this Lydia grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards what must have been our first class of the day, before we entered the room she gave me a comforting smile. 

The day surprisingly went by fast, in what seemed like minutes I was already sat around a lunch table with my new group of friends, mostly getting questioned on what it was like back in England, and of course, getting orders to pronounce different words, inevitably causing Stile's to try and attempt what I had just said, failing miserably. At lunch I got to meet some more of their friends, Danny, Ethan, Aiden, Isaac and Cora, I was confused on why I had only just met them, where were they at morning break when we had all met up again? It seemed I wasn't the only person who had wondered this.

"Where were you guys this morning?" Stiles questioned. 

"I had a interview for a job down at the gas station" Danny answered simply. 

"And we were with Derek" the girl, Cora said plainly, this caused a change in the atmosphere, Stiles looked down and everyone else nodded in understanding. I was confused, and stayed that way for the rest of my school day, why had there been such a sudden change in the atmosphere by the mention of one name?

And more importantly, who was Derek? 

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