"Thank you Coach, for the heads up" I say and he winks. I ran up stairs and into Brooklyn's room.

"What's going on Ramsey? Didn't know you were coming. " I ask sitting next to Brooklyn.

"Buggar all, but hey Sarah wants to do a double date with you guys. And your honey didn't tell you" he says munching on moams.

"Hey we should" I say putting my hands up so he can pass me a moam and he doesn't so I pout.

"Aye yo give my girl a moam" Brooklyn says, I blush at the thought of Brooklyn saying 'my girl'

"Whyyyyyy?" Jack wines.

"Because she wants a moam and I believe those are mine" Brooklyn says.

"Ugh fine" Jack says tossing me one.

"Well aren't you just scrummy today" I say opening the moam.

"Sarah wants to go shopping tomorrow before we have the double date, because she knew you would say yes" he rolls his eyes.

"Really? Why don't I go with her?" I ask taking bite out of the moam.

"Bollocks....that is bloody genius" he says sitting up.

"Well my cheeky monkey is bloody brilliant" Brooklyn says digging his head into my neck.

"Ok ok yes your girlfriend is a bloody genius but it does not mean you get to snob her neck off like some crazed animal" he snickers bit.

"Alright alright. should we do? FIFA? Play some football? Movies?" Brooklyn suggests.

"How about some football since I need to get ready for this Friday" I spoke.

"Yeah I'm up you?" Brooklyn says.

"Yeah I guess" Jack says getting up with moam rappers all over him.

"Woah how many did you eat?" We asked him.

"Um...about the whole bag" he says.

"Before we go pick up your trash at least, yeah?" Brooklyn asks

"Probably should"


"HEY I'M HOME" I screamed in our new flat.

"Hey, muchkin. I'm in the kitchen" Eddie says and I follow the voice to see him making... Actually I don't know what is making.

"How did it go with Maria since I left" I ask.

"It went well, Annabel is so beautiful" he smiles.

"Did she wake up?" I ask.

"Yeah, she was happy to see me" he gets teary.

"Aw Eddie" I say.

"It's crazy, I always thought when I was in the army this will never get to me. You know thinking, how much the baby actually misses me. But I guess when you see it, and it's your child. I guess it hits harder than you thought" he said with a bit of tears in his eyes.

"Eddie, you know you really changed a lot" I whispered.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean you were a great kid before you went to the army, straight A's, good friends. But when you see Maria and Annabel you're a different person" I say, "in a good way, you have this loving side I haven't seen since, phew, since I was about 4" I continued

"I give you love, as weird as it sounds" he says and I laugh.

"I know you show your love as brotherly way but with Maria and Annabel it's different story" I say

"Is  there a way to get her back?" He asks standing still.

"There's always a way" I smile and a moment of silence has entered. "So whatcha making?"

"Um... I actually don't know" he scratches the back of his head and I laugh.

"Here I'll help you"

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