Chapter 2 - Mate

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Chapter 2 enjoy :) !!

Fix me by Boyce Avenue ft Tyler Ward ------------>

And this time it is Ben's point of view :)


Benjamin POV

When I woke up I felt different, It felt like I was complete. Something that

I hadn't felt since the death of my mother.

Mom was visiting the the WhiteRose pack when a rival pack attacked them that day,

Everyone was killed and some people even say that they captured some people and tortured them to death.

I hope that it never will happen with my pack, I also promised myself that when I find the pack that killed my mother, I'm going to kill that entire pack.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realized that Cassidy was awake, I had slept with almost every girl in school, and i'm not exactly proud of it but,

It's actually stupid, but yeah since we're werewolfs all our emotions are heightened so we need some distraction.

And somehow I always ended up banging Cassidy,  But I don't give a shit about her,

She's just easy.


I still had that complete feeling in me but today it was stronger, like there is going to happen something, so I contacted Riley my 3th in command,

since my beta Blake had a day off to spend the day with his mate.

Hey Riles, Make sure to double check the town and border line today, i've got some weird feeling that there's gonna happen something

Yeah sure Ben

'Baby are we gonna do something today' a high pitched voice said.

'Maybe tonight Cassidy, Just wait and stay inside' I said using my alpha voice.

'Okay' she purred trying to sound sexy but it was far from that.

The rest of the day went without problems, Cassidy didn't bother me, all pack problems were fixed, but of course I cheered to soon when Riley contacted me.

Ben we've got a problem, I smelled another werewolf in town so I followed her, But now she's running damn fast, More info later

Riley when you get the rogue bring her to me

Yes alpha

I walked from my office to the garden to wait for the rogue,

probably they'll get her here in 5 minutes I thought

After 15 minutes Riley contacted me again.

Dude this is incredible, the rogue just knocked out 5 of our wolves, Oh shit she ran away !!

Then get her !!

It's already solved, your father got her, damn that chick is hot

Riley ! just bring her here, and if she doesn't go on her own use the hard way

after a few minutes Riley didn't say something back so I walked

back inside the pack house to grab my stuff when I heard something outside

'Father why did you bring a rogu....' and when I saw her looking to the ground I smelled a delicious smell of vanilla and wood.


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