Chapter 1: Captured

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I was running, ignoring what was happening. My dad was not going to do that to me, I will not allow it! "ALEXIS! COME BACK!" my dad shouted furiously while running after me. I ignored his demand and kept running. I was abused since I was 4 years old by my whole pack. I was kept in a basement and was barely fed anything. They didn't care. I was running away from my pack. Then all of a sudden my parents went in front of me with a knife.

I woke up screaming and gasping for breath on the cold ground while sweating. "It was a dream Alexis, no big deal." My wolf, Karina, said trying to calm me. She was and always has been my best friend, especially since I have no other friends, yeah I know it's depressing but I'm a rogue. Our wolves can speak to us in our minds, pretty cool right? Except for when your wolf is very annoying.

I stood up and stretched out while yawning. Feeling refreshed after a long rest, I shifted into my pure white, rather small wolf and went for a run.

I was running through the woods, breathing in the summer air. I stopped by a small lake for a drink after getting dehydrated.

I started running again and while jumping over a log, my front paw got stuck on something and I heard a loud snap! I let out a howl of pain and I couldn't move. It wasn't healing either, which is weird. So that leaves one possible answer. "Karina! Your paw is broken! Are you okay?!!"
"Yes, I'm fine but I can't shift back. We have to wait here."
"Okay, I will wait."
And with that, I lied down and sat there waiting for it to heal but it never did.

Suddenly I heard a loud SNAP! And out jumped 3 massive wolves. All of them had intense amounts of power radiating off of them. They then went behind trees to shift and put on clothes before they came back to me.

"Who are you and why are you on our territory?!!" The biggest one said who was standing in the middle.
I didn't reply since I was in wolf form. "Shift!" The same one said. I whimpered in pain and fear, I was going to die. "Can't you hear me?! I said shift!" I can't. "David, put a mussel on her snout and chain her paws then pick her up and bring her with us to the cellars since she can't even follow orders." The middle one said to the guy on his right. "Okay, Beta." The guy said, who I think is David. "The names Jonah, David. You know I don't like you calling me Beta. So David, just call me Jonah." The guy in the middle, who I assume is Jonah, said. "Right, I'm sorry!" And with that he put a mussel on me and chained my paws until he got to my injured paw and I howled in pain. "Be- I mean Jonah! I think she's hurt."
"Do you think I care? No! Just chain her up!" And he put the chain on my paw, earning a whimper of pain from me.

After that all happened, I was thrown in the cellars and a girl come to me and injected wolfsbane in me to force me to shift. It was extremely painful but it worked. Wolfsbane is poisonous to wolves but can also be used to force a shift. Once I shifted back the girl, who I think is the pack doctor, gave me some clothes and inspected my wrist. "Well, your wrist is broken and the pain was too strong so your wolf didn't shift." And after she said that, she wrapped it up in bandages. "Oh and by the way, you trespassed in the Blood Moon Pack." She said while smirking at me. My eyes widened in fear and shock then she left the room.

Jonah then came down to the cellars and stopped at my cell. "The Alpha will be in to see you."

Hi! This is my first story I've ever attempt to write. I hope you like it. And a picture of Alexis is in the media. And yes, she is named after me, Lol.


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