Mileena Vs.Kratos New Intros

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Intro #1:

Mileena: Heard you were a demigod

Kratos: I may be much powerful than your father

Mileena: Yes, but I am much stronger than you

Intro #2:

Mileena: You do not belong  in this realm or world

Kratos: Your sister thought the same of you

Mileena: But you shall be the first one to leave

Intro #3:

Kratos: The Edkatan, I was here to assassinate you  

Mileena: But your assassination shall fail

Kratos: And rise back up

Intro #4:

Kratos: I will kill you and your father

Mileena: But you shall be the only one killed

Kratos: Yes, but death will come to your father by your sister 

Mileena New IntrosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora