Mileena Vs. D'Vorah New Intros

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Intros #1:

Mileena: Emperor's insect

D'Vorah: This one should not be made fun of

Mileena: Well, you are an insect

Intros #2: 

Mileena: I will step on you, insect

D'Vorah: This then shall release some bad smells

Mileena: And I shall get perfume to make it smell better

Intro #3:

Mileena: I'm glad that you can never kill me

D'Vorah: This one wants to know why

Mileena: I have more one million lives in Outworld

Intros #4:

D'Vorah: I thought I had murdered you

Mileena: You killed one of my sister

D'Vorah: This one then, shall kill you and your other sisters

Intro #5:

D'Vorah: Mileena

Mileena: I'm glad you aren't, Empress of Outworld

D'Vorah: Because of you, but I shall end you

Intro #6: 

D'Vorah: This one shall kill you, Kitana

Mileena: Insect, I'm Mileena

D'Vorah: This one doesn't wanna hear names from you

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