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Why are you so mad?

What are you afraid of?

Why do you blow up?

Why do you have a short fuse?

What hell did you crawl out from?

What happened to you?

Why are you like an explosion of emotions?

Are you secretly afraid?

The things you say, won't make people act okay.

When you bitch and complain it won't change anything.

Why are you worried about them?

They can't hurt you unless you let them.

Why don't you forget them.

Remember your madness is you.

They don't care if your mad.

It only makes you sick.

Madness is like being sick.

Throw your madness away.

Take back your inner peace.

Bring back your control.

Bring your emotions into balance.

Emotions are a balancing act.

Just like a tight rope walker.

If you fall, it could be fatal.

Don't fall into Madness.

Its a trap, madness is not on your side.

Madness is an emotional dagger.

And it will stab you.

Run away from your madness.

Take back your inner peace.

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