Another A/N...

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Hi guys! Man it's been a long while, huh?

There are a few things I would like to tell you guys! So here we go~

Okay first of all- no. I'm not dead. Hahah. I just haven't been on Wattpad in forever. I've been busy with school and softball and etc. I've been really stressed about school, and I've been having anxiety attacks about it too. :(

Next, this book is indeed on hold until further notice. I'm really sorry I have to do this, but I promise I will try to start up again soon! (Especially since the softball season ends very soon.)

Lastly, thank you all for the support and love you guys have given me. It means a lot and it does not go unnoticed! I read every comment and I try to follow people back! So thank you for your patience and support!

Be back soon!

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