Chapter 10

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Melissa's POV

"Why?" Niall asks curiously.

"Um. Well. I had a dream. And it seemed real? Yeah, it seemed real. That's all." I reply, speaking fastly so they can't understand me.

I guess Louis heard because he asks, "What was it about?" How the hell am I supposed to answer that?

"Uh, it was that none of this never happened and it was all a dream." I say after a minute of thought.

"Well, you don't need to worry about that. We're here and we're as real as it gets." Liam assures me.

"Thanks." I say, not knowing what else to say.

Then Kristine has to come and ruin everything. "Are you guys going to come or not? We've got a schedule to keep." Kristine huffs.

"We'll be there in just a minute, love." Harry says kindly. Stupid idiot. Blinded by her looks.

"Good." She says, then walks back on to the stage.

"Can I kill her yet?" I ask once Kristine's out of ear shot. All of the boys, except Harry, laugh.

"Sorry, Mel, but that's kind of illegal." Zayn says, still laughing a little bit.

"If only." I sigh jokingly.

After a minute or so Niall speaks up and says, "We should probably go back on stage before Kristine comes back and starts throwing a fit."

"Probably." Louis says.

"Help me up." I say, while trying to get up off of the ground. Louis and Harry each grab one of my hands and help me up. I thank them, then start wiping the dirt and dust of off my dress.

"Ready?" Liam asks me.

"Yep." I answer.

"Great. Now lets get back to our interview." Liam says, then starts walking back on stage. The rest of us follow him. Funny how somehow through all of this the crowd managed to be quiet.

The boys sit down in the same seats they were in before and I start to panic. I calm down when I see that there's a seat next to Louis. Crisis averted. Once I sit down Kristine starts asking the boys questions.

I'd been sitting there daydreaming for a good fifteen minutes when Louis elbowed me.

"Wha?" I ask, coming back to my senses.

"I asked you how do you know the boys?" Kristine repeats her question.

"Oh, I know the boys through Niall." I answer.

"And how do you know Niall?" Kristine asks.

"I met him when we were younger. You know, since him and I lived in the same town for a long time." I tell her, giving a little more information, hoping she won't keep prying on the subject.

"Really? You don't sound like you've lived anywhere near Niall." She says, shocked.

"I don't sound Irish, because I'm not Irish. I've just lived in Ireland for quiet some time." I explain.

"Oh, that makes more sense. So, you're from America, right?" She questions.

"Yep." Please stop asking so many questions!

"I knew it!" She says, as if she's just won the lottery. "Now, rumor has it that you guys have a special announcement. Is that true?" She asks the boys. Special announcement? Why did I not know about this?

"More like Niall has a special announcement." Harry says.

"So then, Niall, what is your special announcement?" Kristine asks Niall.

"Well, first I should warn you all that this might be a little, or a lot, upsetting to some." Niall warns everyone.

"What could you do that would upset us? Our little Nialler never does anything wrong!" Kristine exclaims.

"It's not that I did anything wrong, people just won't like it and they'll be upset." Niall tells her.

"Well, we'll just have to see for ourselves." She says.

"So, a couple of weeks ago something big happened." Niall starts, looking straight at me. "It's changed not only my life, but the boys' life, my family's life and one special persons life. I proposed to my girlfriend and she said yes." The crowd gasps. Oh, that special announcement.

"Well, wow. I didn't even know you had a girlfriend!" Kristine says, completely shocked. I'm not surprised that she's shocked.

"No one except my parents and her parents knew that we were together." Niall informs her.

"Not even the boys?" Kristine asks.

"Not even the boys." Niall confirms.

"Why didn't you tell them?" She questions.

"She didn't want anyone to find out about us. I know that none of them would tell anyone, but they would want to meet her and someone would find out about that. We tried avoiding the media." Niall explains. Wow, he really knows how to make a great story. It's so believable!

"That makes sense." She comments, then asks, "What do you boys think about this?"

Surprisingly, Liam is the first one to say something. "I think it's amazing! I'm so happy that Niall found his princess! And his fiancé is such a nice girl, she's like a sister to me!" He comments. Since when did One Direction become good actors? Last I heard they sucked at acting!

"Exactly what Liam said. I'm extremely happy for both of them!" Harry says.

"Basically the same thing. I can't wait for the wedding!" Louis says.

"I'm happy for them. They've finally found the one that they want to spend forever with." Zayn says.

"Well, that's great! Wouldn't want them to not approve of her after you've already proposed, would you?" Kristine laughs.

"It's impossible not to like her! She's sweet, kind, has a great sense of humor, and most importantly she has our Nialler's heart." Harry tells her.

"Aww. Who knew you could be so freaking sweet?" Kristine coo's.

"I'm always sweet!" Harry pretends to be hurt.

"Sure you are Harold." She snorts.

"Hmph." Harry huffs, jokingly.

"So, Niall, tell us more about your fiancé!" She begs Niall.

"Well, as Harry said, she's sweet, kind, and funny, but she's also gorgeous, caring, a terrible cook, geeky, friendly, and very lovable." Niall describes his fiancé. Funny how he's talking about me like I'm not ever here.

"She sounds amazing!" She comments.

"She really is." Niall says.

"So, who's the lucky lady?" She asks, her curiosity probably getting the best of her.

"This more than likely going to be a shocker to all of you." Niall laughs. "My fiancé is the one and only, Melissa Monroe."


AN: Sorry for the wait between the last chapter and this one! I've been busy doing so much stuff, it's insane! My sister who left for college in June is going to come home for Christmas! How awesome is that?? I'm excited and extremely glad that she'll be home! I'm seeing This Is Us this Thursday!! And it's opening day where I live! And the best part is that my dad is the one taking me! He recently became a directioner, so I want him to take me. And I also forced my mom to see Justin Bieber's movie and she's taking me to the 1D concert next year, so I decided to give her a break. Hope you guys like this chapter! I kinda tried leaving it as a cliffhanger, but I'm not too awfully great at those.

L.O.L <3 (Lots Of Love)


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