As soon as you tried to touch him something prevented you or he just keep going further away.



A pained grunt comes from you as you stir from your slumber.

The dream faded, never to be remembered again.

A man in black with the signature red HYDRA patch on his shoulder towering over your sleeping form, kicking and hitting you with the butt of his gun to get you up.

Yup. You were used to this, to be treated like nothing but a lab rat, a toy, a tool, that they can use to their disposal.

"Get up you have a very important mission today,"

Opening your cold, dead, emotionless, voids that they called eyes, silently thankful that you were awakened from another one of the many nightmares that seem to plague your subconscious.

Turing your head and your eyes and see the small, cold, white room, with nothing in it but the HYDRA soldier and you covered in a tattered blanket.

You get up from the cement floor, shake off the blanket, not saying a word you walk to the door hold out your hand behind you back, awaiting the cold, heavy, metal clamps.

But they never came. Instead you were ushered out the door heading straight towards the lab.

'This must be important,' you thought.

Throwing open the white metallic doors you were shoved inside and see your trainer Dr. Geniy and another scientist, Professor Besserdechnyy.

Doctor Geniy was a small, fit, kind, smart man with a white lab coat and glasses alway on him and soft, brown, curly hair, grey eyes. He was forced here with as much or maybe with more force as you were.

Professor Besserdechnyy was a tall, thin, fit, malicious man with slick black hair that was always gelled back and a black lab coat with black rubber gloves and boots in case of an "accident." He joined by choice.

"Эта миссия является наблюдать, извлекать и оставить , понимаете?" (This mission is a observe, retrieve, and leave, understand) the Professor hissed with a venomous, harsh tone.

"Да сэр, я понимаю,"(yes sir, I understand,) you say with a no hint of any emotion in your voice.

"Хорошо , соберите ваше оборудование и идти," (Good, get your equipment and go) he said with not another word walking out the door into the side of the where all the actual testings are.

"Будьте осторожны, пожалуйста," (Be careful, please) the Doctor says worryingly as he comes up to the side of of you and places a hand on you. You flinch at the contact.

He learned his lesson not to come up to up from behind and place hand on you.

"Не волнуйтесь, доктор, я буду в порядке," (Don't worry, Doctor, I'll be fine) you say to reassure him.

After going through the feeding and cleaning unit you were led to where your equipment was, along with your mask, headphones, and in another bin on the other side of the room was all of your other old things that you couldn't remember. They seemed vaguely familiar to you.

They erased all of you contacts, photos, and yes your memory, the only thing that wasn't erased was the music, surprisingly.

The doctor used to get you a present for your so called "birthday" but all you wanted was the music that was on you kindle. The only thing that you wanted from them was your music. They allowed it.

And, they let you keep all the empty shells of what used be your soul. Your sketchbook hidden in a pocket where no one knows, not even you, but you could get it later if you ever remembered.

Now is not the time to try to remember who you once were.

You had a new objective...

You had a new mission.

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