The Basics

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When I review a story I only look for certain things. I look for a well developed/developing plot, basic grammar, transitions, accurate character representation, and clarity. If the plot is lacking or if basic information needed to understand the story is presented late, that's points deducted. If you have to constantly have to stop to figure out what it was they meant to type, that's points deducted. If the transitions between different places or times are confusing or obscure, that's points deducted. If the characters act different then they should, ( unless if it's an au story) then that's points deducted. Finally, if the overall story is confusing, hard to understand, or too vague, then that's points deducted. At the end of each review I will give it a rating out of 5 stars. If you would like for your book to have guaranteed spot in this just private message me its title. Only Undertale Fanfictions.

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