Chapter 1

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Hey my amazing fans. I know I said no sequels to dominant one but I couldn't help it. This is the sequel from the POV of Jamie and Nathan's daughter. Sure do hope you guys enjoy! Let me know what you think! :)


It's my 18 birthday and my parents are making a bigger deal about then I wanted them to. My mom Jamie is running around the house preparing cakes and cupcakes of all sorts of flavors and blowing up balloons. She's acting crazy. It makes me irritated. I love her don't get me wrong but she needs to chill. My dad Nathan is setting up the tables, chairs and buckets of ice for the drinks to be placed in. Everyone invited arrived no later than 4:00pm. My best friend, Kristina showed up in a light purple dress and black pumps. Her long brown hair was to her mid back as my brown hair was down to my lower back. Her makeup was fully caked on. Kristina was an awesome makeup artist. She loved doing makeup to herself and me especially. She rushed over to me and embraced me in a big hug. I wore a deep red strapless dress and gold heels. Super pretty. My makeup was simple not so intense as Kristinas.

" Happy birthday girl! It's finally your 18 birthday and tonight we are going to party!!" Kristina squealed

" Kristina I don't like to party remember?" I stammered

" Shhh you will love it. Trust me it will be fun!"

" Fine but I'm not dancing" I laughed

" Okay deal" she said

I love her but she can be annoying sometimes. She loves to party and I rather just sit at home and read one of my favorite books for the 50th time.

" Scarlett!"

I heard my mom say

" Yes mom?"

"Would you please come her and blow out your candles already?"

I hurried over to the beautifully decorated cake my mom had prepared so nicely and blew out my candles but not before making a wish. I wished that I would finally meet a guy. Here's hoping it comes true.

The party ended at 7:30 ish. I said goodbye to all the friends and family that came and my parents.

" I love you mom and dad. Thank you so much for the party! It was great." I said

" You're welcome honey. Please don't be out too late!" My mom said

" I won't, I promise." I said as I waved goodbye


Kristina and I arrived to Katie's house a little after 8:00pm. It was crazy. Katie has decorated it to 9. It was awesome. Balloons, a DJ, disco lights that were all around her backyard and in the huge pool she had. There was so much food, drinks including liquor. Like big bottles of vodka, tequila, rum, and whiskey. There was about 20 shot glasses on the table just getting ready for someone to pour liquor in. I was scared, I had never drank alcohol in my life and I honestly didn't know how much I could handle of it but hey it's a birthday party for me and I'm surrounded by everyone I know so I might as well take a few shots. There was about 40 people from my school that were dancing and having a great time. Thank god it was a Friday and since we didn't have school at all today made it even better. Kristina grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the table where the liquor was at. She grabbed 2 shot glasses and told me to hold them.

" Which one do you want? Tequila or vodka?" She asked

" Uh I don't know. I've never drank this stuff before!"  I said

" Fine vodka it is" she said as she poured it into both shot glasses

Kristina put the vodka bottle back on the table and motioned for me to drink it.

" What do I do?" I asked confused

" Just tilt your head back and shoot it" she stated

I tilted my head back and took a huge gulp of the vodka. Oh god it burned my throat so bad. Kristina poured more vodka into the glass. I didn't ask questions I just gulped it down again. I had about 5 shots total and I was already feeling kind of tipsy. I felt pretty relaxed. I even danced a little bit even though I didn't want to in the beginning. It felt fun to let loose for once. I walked over to the table and drank a couple more shots. I knew I shouldn't but it felt really good. I was really hot and decided to go for a walk. I didn't know where Kristina was. We had kind of got lost when the music started. Wandering off probably wasn't the best idea but I didn't care. I was too drunk to give a damn. Katie's house was close to the blue lake forest and I had always wanted to see how pretty the lake was at night but never had the time. About 15 minutes of walking barefoot because walking in heels in the dirt was not okay I finally reached the lake. It was absolutely breathtaking. The reflection of the moon on the water was just so peaceful. I was really too deep into my thoughts to notice any noise but when I broke free of them, something seemed off. I could hear faint sounds of leaves rustling and screams. I didn't know if I was hallucinating or what but it was freaking me out. As myself being half werewolf and half human, there wasn't much I could do. I can't turn into a wolf and run away. My dad was full wolf and had turned my mom after I was born. It was sort of pointless. He should have done it when I was still inside her belly. The screams got louder and then stopped. I could definitely hear someone or something walking towards me. When I finally turned around to figure out what it was. All I could see was the mouth of the person. His eyes were covered by the darkness that suddenly took over but the moon's light showed his lips as kissable as ever and when he opened his mouth. I panicked. His teeth were razor sharp and pointy. I started to run as fast as I could but he was right behind me. As clumsy as I am I tripped over a big tree stump and pain immediately flowed through my body. I screamed. My leg was completely broken and you could actually see the bone popping out. There was some blood and I hated the site of blood but what I hated more was my bone being out. I felt numb and I couldn't get up. My body was too weak to even attempt to get up. I was so dizzy I started to pass out. The last thing I saw was those razor sharp teeth. 

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