The Confidante

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Nathan signed his statement and slid it across the table to Marinelli. He didn't like Doug Marinelli any more than Marinelli liked him. His questions had been terse and leading as he tried to get Nathan to say something damning against Maxie. Nathan stuck to the facts, relating his actions without embellishment and without incriminating Maxie. He knew Marinelli's tactics and he refused to fall for them.

"You sure you want to stick with this story?" Marinelli asked skimming the page. "Seems like you may have left a detail or two out."

Nathan kept his expression as neutral as possible and answered, "Such as?"

"You don't mention how long you and Miss Pendleton were outside. And according to other witnesses, Miss Jones was in the hallway at the same time you were in the alley. How did you not hear the argument between the two of them."

He tried very hard not to roll his eyes. He'd already explained that he had no idea how long he was in the alley with Chelsea. And that he hadn't heard a thing inside the building because he had walked around to the front. But Marinelli was determined to trip him up somehow thinking that Nathan was just covering for Maxie.

"I told you," Nathan said with as much patience as he could muster. "When I was done talking to Chelsea, I walked around to the front entrance. I didn't hear anything in the hallway."

"Yeah you did tell me that." Marinelli drummed his fingers on the table. "I'm going to be frank with you, West. I don't like you very much. I didn't particularly care for your girlfriend when she was here either." He leaned back, looking at Nathan with a slight frown. "I don't know if she killed Scott Chambers. Maybe she did and it was self defense. Maybe she told you and you're covering for her."

Nathan kept silent. He wasn't about to dignify any of Marinelli's wild accusations with a response. He was wrong anyway. Maxie didn't kill Scott. He let Marinelli ramble on with more wild ideas about the night of the wedding while he planned his next move. When he was done here, he should head over to the Kirkland residence to speak with Cassie. She might know something that could help and if not, Eric and Alicia were staying there. They might be able to give him good information. But before that, he needed to get back to Chelsea's apartment and see what she was up to.

He tuned back into Marinelli's bluster in time to hear him ask, "West? You think you can give me a better scenario?"

"I don't know what happened, Detective," he replied choosing his words carefully. "I wasn't in the hallway and I didn't hear or see anything."

"Some might say you had a pretty good motive for wanting Chambers' dead," Marinelli pressed.

"Some might, but I didn't."

Marinelli frowned heavily. "You know the drill, West. Stick around the city for a while."

Maxie asked for guest list from Eric and Alicia's wedding. Josh had left it with her but wouldn't give her any other pertinent information about the murder saying it would jeopardize any case the NYPD tried to build against the real suspect. He assured her that the NYPD had spoken with all the guests who knew anything about the murder but Maxie was looking for someone else. Someone who knew Scott and Chelsea and was willing to gossip. That was where the real truth could be found sometimes.

She ran her finger down the list looking for the only name she could remember: Aunt Deborah. She had been the aunt at their table that had taken an interest in how they met. Maxie was certain if anyone knew background on the others at the wedding it would be her. She tried to remember what her last name was, certain she had heard it from Nathan but it refused to come. Instead, she scrolled through the list, all 200 names, until she found it. Deborah Feldman.

Maxie called and spoke to Mrs. Feldman's secretary who insisted she make an appointment. Maxie agreed and wrote down the address of her office. Afterwards, she dressed carefully, realizing that she would need to get more clothes if she was going to be stuck in New York for much longer. Once dressed in the most professional outfit she had on hand, she headed out into the city, relieved to be taking action at last.

Deborah Feldman's office was in the Garment District on West 36th street. Maxie felt her mood lighten considerably at the thought of being in her element. She knew the fashion world and could relate to the kind of people in it. She just hoped Aunt Deborah was like the other fashion people she knew and not the society people at the wedding.

Inside the building, Maxie made her way to the sixth floor and was ushered into a cozy office to wait. The company was called Verity Designs and appeared to specialize in jewelry and accessories. There was a catalog sitting on the table that she flipped through. Most of the jewelry was high end with an emphasis on silver and white gold. There was a section for the new Spring line coming which was for handbags and Maxie found several she would look for once her New York nightmare was over.

The door opened and Aunt Deborah entered the room. She gave Maxie a welcoming smile and took a seat opposite her. "Miss Jones, how nice to see you again. What can I do for you?"

"I didn't realize you were Deborah Feldman of Verity Designs," Maxie said slipping into Crimson mode. "Your Star Gem necklace was one of the best pieces I've seen in a long time."

Aunt Deborah gave a tinkling laugh. "You're a surprise Miss Jones! I had no idea you were that knowledgeable. The Star Gem was a favorite of mine that didn't do very well in the fashion world."

"I was at Crimson with Kate Howard," Maxie explained.

Aunt Deborah's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "My dear! How did you ever survive? Kate Howard was a tough one. Well, until she got involved with that mobster. Did you know him? I would just love to hear more about that. It happened so far away and one never really gets the whole truth does one?"

"I'd love to tell you more about Kate but right now there's something else a little more pressing I'd like to talk to you about, Mrs. Feldman."

Aunt Deborah leaned back, giving Maxie an appraising gaze. "Such as?"

"Scott Chambers' murder," Maxie blurted out.

Aunt Deborah frowned. "Ah. I'd heard you were, well, being talked to about it. For what it's worth, Miss Jones, I can't begin to fathom why they would think you had anything to do with that."

Maxie decided to go for broke and told her everything. Mrs. Feldman listened, her frown deepening as Maxie's story continued. She finished the story with news of Nathan's engagement to Chelsea. Aunt Deborah's mouth fell open at that piece of information.

"Engaged?" She echoed in surprise. "Oh Miss Jones, I'm so sorry. You must be devastated."

"Please call me Maxie. You're right, I'm not too happy about it. But I think he's marrying her to protect me," Maxie ventured.

"Protect you. From Chelsea Pendleton, of course."

"Yes. Look, I didn't kill Scott. He made a pass at me and I punched him but that was it. Chelsea is making me look guilty because she still wants Nathan. And he's so noble, he'll ruin his own life to help me. I won't let that happen."

"As well you shouldn't! Chelsea Pendleton has always been a real piece of work if you ask me. But what are you going to do about it?"

"Well, for starters, I'm going to figure out who really did kill Scott. But to do that I need background. I don't know anything about anyone at that wedding. But you do. Will you help me?"

Mrs. Feldman stared at her thoughtfully for what felt like an eternity. Finally, she nodded and patted Maxie's hand in a friendly way. "I like you, Maxie. You're smart and no-nonsense. And James Reeves has always been one of my favorite young people. Always honest, always polite and kind. He had a raw deal with that terrible man Madeline Reeves called a husband and then losing poor Nina to a coma for years. I'm not even going to mention the trouble Madeline has caused that young man! No wonder he dropped that family name! But through it all, he's remained noble and good. And to be honest, Chelsea Pendleton is a spoiled brat who needs to be taken down a peg or two."

"So you'll help me?"

"In any way I can. Let's save your Nathan."

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