Chapter 2

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Am so sorry for not uploading sooner.
Anyways not to bore you here is the story....


I was filled with ecstacy that my crush looked at me even if it was for a short while.

Oh my God... I can't believe it.

As I was walking home a car splashed me. I looked up and saw that it was the popular group at school. They looked through the window and laughed at me including my crush.

I felt like crying but I will not. I will not let them see that they have any power over me.

I have no friends at school. Am basically the school's loser but all that will change very soon. I will make them notice me even if it is the last thing I do. Before my senior year is over I will make them accept me no matter what.

I was so consumed with my internal rage that I did not realize that I was home.

No one is at home. They never are. I practically raised myself. The only thing they give me is a place to live in and support me financially. What more could a person want right?

No! I want their love and affection. I want them to hug me when I come home from school and ask me how was school. After all that's what parents should do. I guess I wish for too much.

I hate my parents with every fibre of my being. Hate is a powerful emotion it can consume you and leave you panting for more.


There it is. I promise to upload as soon as possible

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