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I was not informed there was going to be a music chapter. I know jack about music, but I'll do my best...
Anything fast works for me. I kinda like Taylor Swift, and Maria introduced me to 5sos. "She's kinda hot" is my favorite song for now. Do not make me listen to '80s, country, or "Hello" and we'll get along fine.
Reader: Oh My Gosh how do you not like Adele!
Me: She's ok, I guess, but her newest song is super overrated.
Reader: *dies*
Oh well. Poor reader. I'm gonna hand it over to Maria 'cause that's all I've got. Thanks for reading!
- Bubble

Ahh music. My life. It's called a random book for a reason Bubble. Anyway, I like country, pop but not bubblegum pop if that makes sense and a little rock, like Queen. I only like rap if there's a small part in songs. Not full on rap songs, they are stupid and are just trying to talk faster than me, the wannabe's. Blues is just no. I love 5sos, r5, Taylor Swift, Melanie Martine, and Selena Gomez. I could listen to them forever, and I pretty much do. I like pretty much all music though so. I guess that's all for now,

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