Trash and sunglasses

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They were leaning on a wall like models. I simply sat on the ground, not feeling quite "model-esc" enough to pose with them. Something irked me. Something that made my chest feel heavy.

"Apple is...sad? Upset?" Fey said looking over at me. I was staring off in the distance, lots of thoughts running though my mind.

"Huh? Oh no. Just...thinking." I gave him a tight smile. He skipped over to me and squatted in front of me.

"You're lying." His voice was low. The scar on his eye made him look menacing, like he was in a gang.

"Its...its just. When I was...his. I thought I was the first. His only creation like this." I looked up at his beautifully alien blue eyes, full of, was it understanding? "It just hurts a bit. That's all."

I looked away, hoping that he'd stop looking at me so intensely. I felt a hand on my head. Was he patting me?

"There there Apple. He lied. You didn't know. We are together now, so let us make the most of it." He gave me a toothy grin. It was nice, having a friend. Even if he was insane.

"Yeah yeah. Love and friendship. Now let's get you some food." Hal grumbled.

Fey began humming a tune as he got up from his squat and began wondering around in circles in front of us.

"Food is nice." Fey stated in a sing song way.

I eyeballed the sun and its position agains the horizon. We had at least an hour left.

"How exactly do you obtain the 'food'?" I just know they had brought me all one of my 'meals'. It wasn't too strange to think of humans as food considering I was not technically human.

"We hunt." Hal was smirking a bit. It was faint, but he was none the less. Fey started jumping up and down pumping his fists.

"Hunting! Hunting! Food! Fun!" He suddenly grabbed my hand and started running down the street.

"Damn it Fey. Wait!" Hal yelled behind us. I couldn't help but let a laugh slip through my desperate panting.

After about a solid minute of running Fey practically threw me into an alleyway between two buildings.

"Now wait and watch how I hunt." He winked at me and then threw a garbage bad at my feet.

Hide. He mouthed.

"You too. There." He painted a finger at Hal, then towards the place I was sitting. Hal rolled out his silver eyes and came over to sit next to me.

"Want to share this trash blanket or do you want to find your own?" I whispered to him.

"I'd rather not add to the smell if that's alright with me." He shrugged, scooting closer to me, but not touching me I noticed.

"Fine by-"

"Shh!" Fey called back angrily. Hal and I held up our hands in submission.

We watched from the darkness of the shadowed ally as Fey leaned up against the bricks at the mouth of the alleyway. He waited.

We sat in silence for some time before some girl talking on her phone glanced at Fey. He instantly disappeared and reappeared at the end of the ally way. The girl, looked back, only to find him gone. She hung up the phone and came to the alleyway.

Hal squished up against me and pushed me out of the way of sight. Instantly all of my attention was on him. His arms were on either side of my head as his head was tilted slightly. He was looking at the girl. His chest was pressed up against mine, something surprised me about him. His heart was beating. I could feel it. Did I have a heart beat?

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