Gingers trigger

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A groggy woman came down the stairs. She looked like she was in pain. Her hand was gripping the ridge of her nose as she groaned.

She looked toward us.

Then she walked completely down the stairs and into the kitchen. Although she was gone, the look on her face when her eyes fell on my make my heart twist in an uncomfortable way.

"Yoo woo. Apple?" A song song voice played in my ear as a pale hand waves in front of me.

"Huh? Whaa?" I looked back at my only friends...well, sort of. Hal looked like anything could have been more interesting than what was happening right now. And Fey, he squinted his eyes at me. I gave him a sheepish smile in return.

"I said we should get going. So get whatever shi- stuff you need, and let's get going." He started to get up from his mess of blankets.

"Any particular reason you corrected yourself?" I hounded.

"It just didn't feel right. I only like to use curse words if they heighten the sentence or context in some way. That one wasn't one of those situations. So I changed it." He simply shrugged off his odd behavior. A smirk pulled the side of my lip upward.

I bit down hard so that my lip would stay put. I got up and walked up to grab the bag I had already prepared.

I could feel myself walking funny. Not because I was nervous or anything, but because I could feel them watching me. Ok, so that creeped my out a bit. I just wasn't one of those people who liked having people behind me.

I entered the room and looked over it in great detail. I wanted to remember the comfort of the room, even though it wasn't mine. I took a deep breath in, memorizing the smell. Which was a bad idea, this room needed to be sprayed with some soap and water, it smelled like a teenager.

I grabbed some more clothes and shoved them into the minty green sack that Alice had. Stylish, I had to give her that.

Aren't you happy? I just paid you a compliment.

I doubted her soul could hear me, let alone respond.

"You killed her. Didn't you?" A familiar voice said from the door way.

I turned around to find Karrol standing there.

"I don't know. Maybe." I said flatly. This whole blank look and feel felt pretty natural to fall into.

"I don't even remember her face. Do you know how that feels. I don't know how I know, but I know." There was something in her eyes that told me she was broken. I guess telling her her daughter was gone drove her over the edge.

"I can't apologize, I don't feel that bad honestly. But still, I'm sorry for you. Of that makes sense." She scoffed at me.

"You wicked monster. I just-" she struggled for the words. Her body was visible shaking. "- I just want to- ugh! I HOPE YOU DIE FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" Her words were so forceful and so full of venom that I flinched at her.

She fell to the floor, her body crumpling like a shirt. Her sobs were loud and horrible sounding. Before I could reach out to her, she whispered something that made my whole body freeze.

"Please kill me. I don't want to live. There's nothing anymore."

Her sobs abruptly stopped and she fell face first to the floor.

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