Chuckling, I caught up with Harper and Ade. All of the girls were sitting in the ground awaiting orders. Miss Burns was obviously improvising this lesson as she searched around the field for inspiration.

"Today, we are gonna run!" She clapped her hands together. "Warm up now."

I used to run a lot back in Allerton for school so I did my usual warm ups. Whilst I did dynamic stretches, Ade flirted with Bondy from across the field and Harper lay flat out on the ground.

"Why do you look like you know what you're doing?" Harper sighed, sitting up a little.

"I ran back in Liverpool." I shrugged.

"Oh shit, someone other than bitch-face might come first!" Ade tuned in.

"Who's that?" Ade had nicknames for everyone and I still struggled trying to figure out who was who.

Before she could get the name out, a blonde girl approached us. By the look on Ade and Harper's faces, this was the girl.

"Hi girls, you're Eleanor right?" She asked, battering her eyelashes like she had something in her eye.

"Yeah." I nodded, standing up straight.

"Oh good, I'm Kathleen."

Kathleen. The name was so familiar yet I couldn't match it to anyone I personally knew.

"I can see by your warm up, that you obviously run." She observed. "Just wanted to let you know that I do too, come first place every time. Don't let that intimidate you though."

One thing I disliked in life was people with Kathleen's type of attitude. Even though I didn't know her, I already had a negative feeling about her.

But if there's one thing in life that I know how to do, it's fight fire with fire.

"Don't worry I'm not intimidated, never came anything but first in running myself. Good luck out there." I mirrored her sickening smile.

She raised a brow and a small smirk formed on her face. "You too babe."

With that, she returned to her friends leaving me slightly annoyed and with two wide eyed people.

"Christ El, that was amazing!" Ade grinned.

"Never knew ya had that fire in ya." Harper chuckled.

"Now I really need to win this thing." I ran a hand through my hair, doing one last lunge for good luck.

Miss Burns began to get everyone into place on the track. My leg was bouncing with anticipation but as soon as everyone got into position I calmed down.

The lads had finished with football so Mr Anderson had them watching to pass time.

I couldn't even turn my head to smile at Van, my focus was glued to the finishing line which seemed miles away.

"Right ladies, one the count of three." Miss Burns yelled.




Just like that, I was off. Ignoring everything around me, I kept my eye on the finishing line and ran my fastest to get there.

For a second I looked to my left to see Kathleen and Kathleen only. The other girls had fallen behind but she remained hot on my tail.

"Come on El!" Harper's voice screamed.

My heart was racing but I wasn't going to give in.

The finish line was in reach. My pace quickened as I put my all into the last bit of the track.

Kathleen had given up trying to win, instead she made it her mission to try and trip me up. She neared into me and just as I was about to cross the line, put her foot in front of my own and sent me flying forward.

Fortunately, I tumbled over the finishing line and crossed before her.

"That's not fair, she started before me." Kathleen screamed an excuse as she stormed off.

Blinking a few times I tried to sit up and stop my spinning head but it was not working out for me.

"Fuck me, El are you good?" Harper gasped, running over.

"My heads banging." I groaned.

I could hear more people coming over and all I wanted was to get off the cold ground. Thankfully a familiar voice and face came into range.

"Shit, come on El. Up slowly." Vans voice soothed as he gently helped me up.

"'Harper and Adriana, take her up to the nurses office please." Miss Burns rough voice sighed.


With a banging headache and my two best friends holding me upright, we eventually made our way to the nurses office.

"She proper tripped you up, such a childish thing to do." Harper muttered.

"Hey, at least I still finished first." I chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.

"Funny, well El I guess this is time to tell you that you've made it onto Kathleen's hit list. Harper and I have been members for a good few years now." Ade smirked.

"Why doesn't she like you's?" I asked as we took a seat outside the nurses room. Of course it was completely bunged with kids trying to get home or vomiting their guts up.

Not an ideal scene for those with a weak stomach.

"Let's just say we never liked her from day one. Her trashy blonde hair flips and constant eyelash battering somehow got people in a trance, they'd think she was great and almost become obsessed with them. Next day she'd throw them to the side like trash. Really messed with their heads." Ade explained.

"She really got to someone close to us and trying to explain to them that she was bad news, was the hardest thing in the world."

"Who was it?" I stretched out my arms.

The pair looked at each other before looking back at me.



Hello my lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry that it took longer than usual to update, been revising for my exams and if I fail them I'm basically dead😅

On a brighter note... The lads favourited two of my tweets on Twitter and gave me a right heart attack! 😜😜

Also the lids released the studio version of 7 and its bloody great! Can't wait to hear all of the other tracks on The Ride now, roll on May 27!💫💫💫

Love you's all💖

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