Till Life Do Us Apart

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Copyright © 2011 by StorySpinner 

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(My stories are solely my property. The concept/theme of stories have been developed by me, so, don't copy them in any way)

 There's an exciting news about this story. A short film for the International Film Festival is being made based on this story. A teaser of the film is on the right side of the page. Hope you like it :)

                                                                  Till Life Do Us Apart

The chilly wind brushed Jenny’s face harshly making goose bumps rise on her arms. She couldn’t really feel the cold wind though. Her body responded to the dropping temperature but her mind did not register the fact. The cold weather was hardly her concern at that moment. She stared at the inky black sky thoughtfully. The bright stars winked at her invitingly and it seemed as if the trees swayed gently to inaudible music. It was a lover’s night; a night when couples camped outside under the starry sky bundled together in a blanket in front of a bonfire whispering sweet nothings to each other.

Jenny smiled into the dark night. She would be getting her happy ending soon too, heart stopping romance she had waited for all of her life. She was going to get all that she ever wanted. There was only one thing she had ever wanted; she just wanted someone to love her unconditionally. And now she had found him and he had promised to be with her forever.

Christopher wasn’t like other teenage boys of her age. He was more mature than any other boy she knew. She knew he meant it if he said that he would be with her forever.

He’s the only bright star in my life, she thought as she continued to gaze at the stars.

He listened to everything she had to say without interrupting. She was quite unpopular at school, so, she was teased by her fellow students. The teasing grew quiet brutal at times. Couldn’t they accept her the way she was?

To Chris I’m beautiful, She smiled inwardly. Not only beautiful…the most beautiful girl in the entire world.

Jenny wiped her nose with her shirt’s sleeve. She hadn’t realized her nose was flowing due to the cold. She sniffled disgusted.

No wonder they hate me at school…look at me, I have snot dripping; to add to that I’m overweight. She looked down at her thighs.

Jenny the cow…how well that name suits me, she thought degradingly as taunts of Lila, Brittany, Brad and Kyle echoed in her ears.

Jenny wasn’t ugly but she wasn’t pretty either. She was just average and a few kilograms overweight. She had limp mousy brown hair, dull dark brown eyes and thin pale pink lips. Faint pimple marks were spread all over her face.

You are the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, Christopher had said that to her himself then why did she see an overweight and hideous girl every time she looked at her reflection? What did he see in her?

She thought about how handsome he was. Lila, who was the cruellest to her in the case of mistreating her, would have fallen down on Christopher’s feet. That’s how shallow Lila was and that’s how handsome Christopher was. He had the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. They were hazel with flecks of green and golden. They reminded her of a warm and comfortable autumn day. The lashes were thick and brown in colour. He had a straight regal nose and alluring lips shaped like the Cupid’s bow. She always admired the thick crop of light brown hair on his head.

Till Life Do Us ApartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora