Chapter Nine

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"Why are you so fucking wet, you twat?" Britt mumbles, rolling over to my side of the bed and resting his hand on my chest.
I giggled.
"Oh, c'mon with the dirty jokes." He laughed with me.
"You know I hadn't even thought of that until you said something." I snickered, sitting up. "Don't know why I'm sweating though, just a bad dream I guess." I paused, deciding whether or not I was going to tell Britt or Mikey about the incident last night.
"Uh..." I want to tell them.
"What, fucknut?" Mikey responds, poppin a piece of gum in his mouth. The hard outer shell clicks his teeth, and it sound like it hurt.
"Ugh." I started. "Last night, something fucking.. Fucking weird happened to me."
"What?" Britt sat up too. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just, this woman."
"Oh yeah? Fuck boy's got some sort of gay crush?" Mikey burst out laughing to himself.
I look over at him, a snarl spread on my face like butter on a piece of bread.
"First of all, no. And second of all, if it was a gay crush, I wouldn'tve said woman.
Mikey got silent, and Britt shifts his weight.
"Anyway." I cleared my throat. "This woman, last night. I think someone remove red her organs inside the hotel."
"What the fuck? Why would you think that?" Mikey looks surprised.
"I saw it." I look at Britt.
"You saw somebody take her organs out?" Mikey heads over to our bed.
"No, no. I saw the scar on her side, where her kidney should be. I had a biology class where we learned about that stuff, you know? And I saw the bathtub with ice in it, tubing and ice and medical tools splayed out on the floor."
"You went inside her room? Is she dead?" Mikey asks, sitting down on the bed and making it shake a bit.
I paused, unable to answer all of the questions at once. I had to pick my brain first.
"She's alive, I think. I don't know. And yeah, she fell on the floor. I wanted to make sure she was okay, then I heard a crash inside the room. I looked at her key card, her name is Emily. I can't remember her last name."
"Well shit! Isn't that organ theft for the black market? Is the guy in this hotel?" Britt asks innocently.
"I don't fucking know, dude."

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