Exclusive chapter:(Adrian's point of view)

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Exclusive chapter:(Adrian's point of view)

I hated how Aqua is avoiding me. My guess is she is embarrassed. I would be too. But I would not regret it either. I wonder if she regrets kissing me. Believe it or not, as a seventeen-year-old male teenager, that was my first kiss. Sure I had a couple of dates, but I've never kissed anyone. I am sure glad it was her who took my first kiss. I wonder if it was her first kiss. Or if she enjoyed it as much as I did. A smile subconsciously came upon my face thinking about last night. To say I was shocked was an understatement. It was unexpected, especially coming from Aqua. I blame myself that she feels so embarrassed around me. If I had manned up, she wouldn't have felt like she had to make the first move. Either way, that kiss took me to the moon and back. As cliché as that sounds, it's true.
I remember sitting in the car, one hand on my numb lips, staring off into space, with my mind reeling. I barely registered the front door of her house closing before murmuring, "Woah". I must've sat there a good five minutes before driving off. That night, I went straight to bed, laying there, thinking for 2 hours straight. During those 2 hours, the only thing circling around in my head was Aqua. I started to think of all the times I've seen her.
The first time I saw her I felt interested but without me knowing, somehow I figured she would become a part of my life. Cliché, I know. But isn't everything nowadays?
"Yo, Adrian. You wanna play some football?" Jordan came up to me lazily laying on the couch. I looked up from the tv, "Yeah, sure. Beats watching this junk all day" So we ended up in front of his house tossing the football just for the fun of it and then there is this girl who comes running from the other street. At first glimpse, I could see she was very fit. Probably works out a lot. She was wearing reflective gray running shoes, which were more than likely Nike. Everybody has nike sneakers. Heck, even I do. She was also wearing a pair of black athletic shorts and a simple blue tank top, showing off her tanned and toned arms and legs. Her thick brown hair was in a high ponytail that swished every step. I could tell she was gorgeous and I hadn't fully even seen her face. Just as she was turning her face to look my way, I forced my gaze back to Jordan, or should I say the football that was flying toward my face. Thanks to my oh-so-helpful fast reflexes, I caught the ball a couple inches from my face.
For some weird reason, I've always had fast reflexes. Always. Ever since I was a little kid, I had always been a little different. What's funny was that a lot of people, people meaning girls, thought I was some secret ninja or some crap like that. They always assumed that I had secretly taken some karate classes or tai-chi, something related to martial arts. Apparently, martial arts improves your reflex skills?
By the time I look back, the girl is running away. I sighed, thinking that I probably wouldn't see her again. Still looking at her retreating figure, I didn't notice Jordan hurl the football my way. Unlike before, I wasn't fully paying attention to everything around, including the football. So I ended up getting pummeled in the face by the football for my attention had been fully captivated by the girl. I was so entranced that the football had completely caught me off guard. Luckily, it didn't hurt me.
I could hear Jordan cracking up a couple feet away from me. I sat up from my previous position on the ground to glare at him as he neared me, his obnoxious laughter getting quieter as he started to sober up. "You, my friend, were ogling over that girl like your life depended on it. You looked whipped man. She must've been a real beauty to get your attention like that." Jordan was smirking at me before turning to look at the direction the girl ran to. "It was that brunette, right? She was hauling butt. I bet she could win a marathon." He smirked at me, once again. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Yeah, but I probably won't see her again. She is gorgeous, man. And I'm saying that before I can fully see her entire face." He rolled his eyes, "Typical." he muttered under his breath, even though I heard him, and told me, "Dude, yes you can see her again. If anything, she will come around again and you could actually talk to her. She could be in your class this year for all we know. Or maybe she was meant to run today while we were out here, who knows?" I was surprised he said that last part. With raised eyebrows, I told him incredulously, "Are you, the guy who doesn't believe in fate, seriously telling me that maybe I am meant to see her again?" He smirked, a face he makes so much it could become permanent, and told me, "I just said that for your benefit. You know, to make it sound cliché or cheesy." I smiled, and thought about what he said. Thoroughly. Then I actually, surprisingly, took his advice. "You know what? I should do that. We could just wait around here until she comes back and then I could talk to her!" I said excitedly.
Unfortunately, she didn't come around for the next 30 minutes. We waited and waited until Jordan got fed up and told me, "You know what, I think we should get something to eat and then we can come back to wait for her. Frankly, I don't think she will come around for a while. Like I said, that girl can run, probably just as good as you." I opened my mouth to reject his tempting offer to get some grub, but I was cut off by my stomach rumbling. I sighed in defeat, "Fine. But how about we go to the park after. I think she was headed that way." I stood up from the steps in front of Jordan's house, stretching out my limbs before turning back to Jordan, "So. Where to?" His grin grew wider, "Original Market Diner" I rose an eyebrow, "Really? It's more of a breakfast joint. Not to mention it's..." I pulled out my phone to check the time, "Around 11." He pulled out his keys and started walking towards the garage, "I'm pretty sure they still serve breakfast. If not, we can still have one of their pies." He said as he opened the garage door. I licked my lips just thinking about those pies. They are the best, though I have to say my favorite are the Meringue pies. "Alright then. Let's go" I said, hopping into the car. He closed the door and started the car, turning to me and said, "Our pies await."
-End of Flashback-
I chuckled, remembering that memory. That memory brought me to think about what happened at the diner. I guess you could say that the entire day was just a giant memory because something happened throughout the whole day.
"The total will be $12.35 with tax." The dark-haired girl at the cashier told Jordan, smiling flirtatiously. She gave him the change with a little slip of paper. When Jordan looked down at it confused, she said to him with a sultry look, "My number" He looked up at her, surprisingly pulled off a polite smile, that I could still see through, and stuffed the change in his back pocket, "Thanks" I rolled my eyes at her obvious attempts and turned around to find us a table.
Spotting one near the front door, I took a seat in the small round table. I put a hand under my chin, thinking about the girl. I was too lost in my thoughts to notice Jordan sit down. His voice brought me back into reality. "Man, that girl looked desperate." I looked up to see Jordan visibly shudder. I laughed, "I thought you were a lady's man." He smirked, "Yes, but sometimes my affect on girls can be a curse." I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, right. What you call charm is trying to use it to your advantage. What was the final price, hm?" I asked with with one eyebrow raised. He looked offended, "That was one time!" I laughed.
The bell rang and a number was called out, "Number 16! Number 16!" Jordan looked at me with pleading eyes, "Can you get it please? That girl won't leave me alone if I go!" I rolled my eyes, snatched the paper out of his hands and got up. "Consider yourself lucky this time, Michaels." I remarked over my shoulder. I heard behind me, "Thanks!" When I got up to the counter, I gave the paper to the girl, muttering, "Number 16" The girl looked up, her eyes looking confused for a moment before clearing up as she smiled sweetly at me. Probably wondered why Jordan didn't come to pick up the order. "Here's your order" She batted her eyelashes at me, slowly handing me my order. Great, now she is going to flirt with me. Now I know what it feels like to be in Jordan's shoes. But I'm used to it already. Girls flirt with me a lot. Not as much as Jordan, but it still happens. I gave her a small smile and grabbed the food, "Thank you, uh..." I looked for her name tag, but didn't have to. "Grace. Grace Ember." She stuck out her hand, which I shook with my free hand. "And you are?" she asked, the words practically rolling off her tongue. I gave a tight smile and pulled my hand back, "Adrian". She slowly gave me the other plate, and asked a question that surprised me, "Are you a model?" That made me smile; it was pretty funny. "No, I'm not, but that would be pretty cool." I grabbed the last of the food, gave a small smile and said politely, "Well, it was nice meeting you, but my friend is waiting for me." I turned around only to hear her call "Bye Adrian!" behind me.
When I got back to the table, Jordan was smirking at me. I placed the plate down in front of him with a little force when he imitated the girl in a high-pitched voice, "Bye Adrian!" I rolled my eyes and sat down with my food, ignoring him. "So?" I looked up and saw Jordan looking at me with...a smirk. Of course. "What?" I asked him as I started pouring syrup on my french toast. "What happened? You were there for a bit." I rolled my eyes, "She was flirting me up. Asked me if I was a model." I told him. He busted out laughing, "A model?! That's a first." Jordan knows how often girls, and one time a guy, flirt with me. "Yeah, yeah. I know. At least it wasn't a guy that asked me that." I told him with a laugh. "Hey, it's not my fault that I'm..." he trailed off.
I looked up to see his body stiff, mouth hanging open, and eyes directed behind me to the right. "You're what?" I ask him. "Beautiful" he whispered, eyes still solely focused behind me. I turn in my seat to see what he's looking at. When I look around, I see a girl smiling down at her phone. She has wavy medium brown hair which are lighter in some places that was reaching just under her shoulder blades because it was down. She looked pretty tan and if I could guess, I would say she's around 5'3 or 5'2. She was wearing a green, white, and red top without sleeves, red shorts, white vans, and a white purse was sitting on her shoulder. She had just finished putting a tip in the jar on the counter and was starting to walk to the door, all the while looking down at her phone. I could see her fingers moving over the phone;she was probably texting someone. I couldn't really see all of her face until she picked a strand of hair and placed it behind her ear. She looked a little like the girl I saw earlier. Jordan was right, she was very pretty.
I turned back to Jordan, who was still awestruck by the girl and then looked back at the girl, who was near our table, still heading to the door. When she walked by, I could hear Jordan suck in a breath as she blushed at the screen. We both watched her walk to the door, then as her face reddened even more when a young 20-something man opened the door for her, offering a charming smile. Her smile widened and I heard Jordan's breath catch again before she disappeared through the door.
I turned to Jordan, a one-sided smirk on the tip of my mouth, while his mouth was slack, eyes still tuned to the door. "So...you're beautiful? Or are you sure it wasn't that girl you just were eyeing?" I said with an eyebrow raised. He finally turned his attention back to me, his expression completely starry-eyed. "She's so...she's so....wow" My smirk widened until I saw the light in his eyes dim and his face twist in a frown, "I probably won't see her again." I rolled my eyes. "Dude, don't you remember what you were telling me when I said that?" I told him, shaking my head. He looked confused for a moment before it cleared up. "Oh! You mean when I said you could see that girl again?" he asked. I nodded, "Do I need to say the same thing to you?" He shook his head. After that, we continued to eat, both of us too lost in our thoughts about each girl to speak.
-Later In The Day-
We had arrived to the park 2 hours after going to the diner and have been here for about 30 minutes. Apparently, Jordan hadn't finished ALL of his chores. His mom's words, not mine. So here we are, throwing the football around until Jordan threw it too far.
I went running to get it, but it flew over my head, past the trees into the greenery that isn't part of the park. I saw Jordan start to jog after me as I started to step into the overgrown shrubs, my eyes searching for the football.
As I started to step more through the more denser trees and plants, I could barely hear a two voices quietly singing. What from I could hear, the voices singing the song were beautiful. It stopped before I could listen to the lyrics to the song.
I shook my head, concentrating on getting the football and I called out, "Dude! You threw the ball too far!" I started to step into the overgrown shrubs, my eyes searching for the football. The terrain was getting steep and there were a whole lot more shrubs and trees. After a couple seconds, I finally spotted the football lying on the ground near a small pond. I went to grab it, looking around the pond, looking for the mysterious singers. There was a ripple in the pond coming from two places. Suspicious, I looked more closely at the pond. Narrowing my eyes, I saw a flash of silver reflecting the sun's light. Before I think twice about it, it was gone.
Just as it disappeared, Jordan popped up. And maybe it was my imagination, but I could've sworn I heard a small, almost inaudible gasp. "Hey Jordan, did you hear something? I could've sworn I heard singing." I asked him. His eyes scanned the area before he answered, "I don't know, man. I don't think this is part of the park. We should get back."He paused before adding, "Though I thought I heard something small, like a gasp." I thought about the voices and said softly, "Yeah, but when I went to get the ball, I heard faint singing. It was beautiful" I turned back to Jordan with slightly raised eyebrows and spoke again. "You sure you didn't hear any singing?" Jordan shook his head and said, "I swear, Adrian, the only thing I heard was a small gasp. But, I don't know, maybe our minds are messing with us. I mean, we have been out since like 11 o'clock. You just wanted to keep playing in hopes that you would see that girl again. You kept telling me she was bound to come back around the way she came. You literally started guessing where she lived." My face heated up a little, but it didn't stop me from giving a comeback. "Hey I'm not the only one who has my eye out for someone. If I do recall, you practically had drool hanging off your lip just by looking at the girl from the diner." I told him with a cheeky smile.
A small gasp was heard before Jordan could come up with a retort. Our heads snapped to the sound. My eyes scanned around some big rocks with a tiny waterfall on them, searching for the source of the sound. That's the second time I hear a gasp. Either the sun is getting to me or I've lost it and am hearing things. Unsuccessful in finding anything, I turned back to Jordan, who was wide-eyed. "Now I know I heard a gasp" Jordan exclaimed. I glanced back at the pond before telling him, "Yeah I heard it too. But I don't see anything. Maybe you were right. The sun is getting to our heads." Turning around, I headed towards the direction we came from and stopped, waiting for Jordan to catch up. When Jordan came up to me, we both paused, turned around to check out the pond once more. We both sighed, finding nothing different, and left the clearing.
Once we got back to the big field in the park, I stopped and told Jordan, "You sure you didn't hear anything other than a gasp? Like seriously positive?" He faced me, eyebrows furrowed, "No man. Did you?" I shook my head. "Nah, must've imagined it. Let's just get back to the game."
-A Couple Hours Later-
"Let's sit down. I'm kinda tired." Jordan suggested. I nodded and took a seat on the nearest bench. Jordan sat down next to me and brought the water bottle up to his lips, chugging half the bottle. "Thanks for saving me any" I said sarcastically as I grabbed the bottle, squirting whatever was left in my mouth. "Your welcome" Jordan smiled brightly at me, showing off his white teeth. "So you think you gonna see that girl again?" Jordan asked me after I finished off the rest of the water. I ran a hand through my hair and looked at him, "Honestly, I have no idea. I just had this feeling I had when I saw her. Maybe I blew my only chance. If only I had talked to her. Now I probably won't ever see her again." I sighed and looked at him with an raised eyebrow, "What about you?" "Well..." he trailed off as his eyes remained fixed on something on the trail.
Confused, I turned around only to freeze. "It's her" I whispered the same time Jordan did. My eyes trailed over the length of her body. Now that she was closer, I can really see what she looks like. She was pretty tall. I'd say 5'9 or 5'10. Her milk chocolate-colored hair flowed past her shoulders in wavy curls. She was wearing a navy tank top that had a drawing of a big flower on the front with white jean shorts, showing off her tanned and very toned arms and legs. You could see midnight blue bikini peeking out from her tank top and white flip flops. From my point of view, you could the side of her profile. Her dark eyebrows arched up in a nice rounded fashion and long thick eyelashes framed her eyes. A light freckle lays in the middle of this side of her nose. Her face was equally tanned, only slightly lighter than her arms and legs.
Only when she started to walk farther away did I notice she was walking with another girl our age. Looking closer, I noticed it was the same girl we saw at the diner earlier. What a small world. When I looked back to the girl I had fantasying about for the past of couple of hours, I saw her talking to the other girl. Straining my ears, I was disappointed when I couldn't make out any of the words. She was too far away to hear her voice.
"Wow" Jordan was the first to break the silence. "Wow indeed" That was the only thing I could think that day.
-End of Flashback-
I lay in bed, thinking about Aqua.Thinking about the moment I laid eyes on her. The moment we first had eye contact. The first time I saw her smile or laugh. The first time I saw her in her mermaid form. So many things about her that make me smile, even the simplest of things. Smiling, I placed my hands behind my head as the same phrase kept running through my head,
'Life is good.'

Aquarina(mermaid graphic done by Jihan B. Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now